TO30 Hydraulics (part 3)


Just for information, and closure, the hydraulic problem is solved and they are working. It was a lot of work, but not hard.
I can't say what the problem was because there were a few. The system couldn't work with the broken oil tube. To replace it the pump has to come out and the top lid must be removed. Weight wise they were the hardest work. I needed assistance more for safety of the parts than for me of course. I reached in and cut the tube with a cut-off wheel. This allowed the bottom piece to be pushed upward, then the top piece to be shoved out the top.

The tube is not available from any of the regular suppliers so I got a piece of 1/2 inch thin wall steel tube 14 3/8" in length. I put a slight flare on top and a champher on the bottom. Fed down from the top and pressed into position with hammer and punch. DONE.

I also put in new control valve and pressure release valve. The pump was cleaned and the valves were cleaned and operating correctly. New o-rings in the chambers.

On top, I replaced the piston with a ford style with o-ring and gasket. I put in new gaskets and o rings where possible. And put everything back together.

All in all there was about 100 dollars in parts not including shipping and oil, and I have an extra tube in case I get bored and want to do it again.

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