Top Link Keep Thengthening

The top link on my little Kubota seems to keep getting longer as I used my finish mower or brush hog. There is a set nut on one end, but that only keeps it getting shorter, right? If I put a lock nut on both ends that still won't help, will it? Is there any solution for this?
The top link on my little Kubota seems to keep getting longer as I used my finish mower or brush hog. There is a set nut on one end, but that only keeps it getting shorter, right? If I put a lock nut on both ends that still won't help, will it? Is there any solution for this?
Tim - The “set nut” is really supposed to be used as a jam nut. If you tighten that nut hard, against the middle turnbuckle, nothing will move.
The top link on my little Kubota seems to keep getting longer as I used my finish mower or brush hog. There is a set nut on one end, but that only keeps it getting shorter, right? If I put a lock nut on both ends that still won't help, will it? Is there any solution for this?
It's either working itself loose from the jam nut or part of it is stripping out with the threads. My experience has been the barrel portion of the threads give up 1st and allow it to self to pull apart with a lifted 3pt load.
To save you from searching out a left hand threaded nut if one end of the center adjustment sleeve is locked the other cannot turn on its threads. Unless there is some spooky stuff going on with your link and the end pins that connect it to the tractor or bush hog. I would not want to be driving your tractor if either it or your mower was flipping over unscrewing it making it longer. If that was happening you would have some problems with the lower tug connections and the PTO. If you have something on your top link that disagrees with these physics you better post a picture of it.
The top link on my little Kubota seems to keep getting longer as I used my finish mower or brush hog. There is a set nut on one end, but that only keeps it getting shorter, right? If I put a lock nut on both ends that still won't help, will it? Is there any solution for this?
As 504 says if you use the jam nut tight against the center section then nothing should turn.
I’ve had a few issues with those cheap jam nut style. If they have a small short version of a 4020 top link with the lock latch you would be much better off. I’ve also been on the lookout for something like that. Not sure it exists and the real ones are too long and people want 200 bucks for them used. Never had one move though.

I think if aftermarket tractor manufacturers would pay a bit of attention they would realize there’s a market for good top links and not just the average farmstore junk. Perhaps there is another brand with a similar idea

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