Top Link Pin Removal

I have been using a backhoe attachment on my 841 for the past 6 years and I had a failure the other day. One of my lift arm pins broke causing the backhoe to twist and thus breaking the cast iron part that accepts the top link and attaches to spring yoke. I am trying to replace the broken part but I cannot get the bottom pin that holds the part to the tractor body to release. Has anyone faced this before and do you have any suggestions? It is stuck with 55 years of wear.
Yes!! I've just started a full-scale reno on my 850, and I wanted to remove that pin to be able to clean and paint the parts. No luck getting it to budge, even with oxy-acet heat & PB Blaster. The ends are now a little mushroomed, so I'm thinking about just leaving it. Otherwise, it would be a 'point of no return', cutting, drilling, etc. But its a lot of metal to drill out.
Yes!! I've just started a full-scale reno on my 850, and I wanted to remove that pin to be able to clean and paint the parts. No luck getting it to budge, even with oxy-acet heat & PB Blaster. The ends are now a little mushroomed, so I'm thinking about just leaving it. Otherwise, it would be a 'point of no return', cutting, drilling, etc. But its a lot of metal to drill out.
That's what I'm facing. I cannot leave because I have to replace top link part that busted. I cannot reweld because it shattered in pieces.
Yes!! I've just started a full-scale reno on my 850, and I wanted to remove that pin to be able to clean and paint the parts. No luck getting it to budge, even with oxy-acet heat & PB Blaster. The ends are now a little mushroomed, so I'm thinking about just leaving it. Otherwise, it would be a 'point of no return', cutting, drilling, etc. But its a lot of metal to drill out.
I got my pin removed and this is how, I used a propane can and heated for approx. 10 of 15 minutes, then I used an air hammer. (which I'm not convinced did any good since the blows are so weak). Then I just repeatedly struck on end with a small sledge hammer until I noticed movement. I did not strike the other side due to mushrooming. Once I got a little movement, repeated applications of WD and striking both sides, back and forth dislodged pin. I am only slightly mushroomed on one side.
Hope this helps!
Bob in Tenn. I have done the same thing many times over the years on many different parts. It's called patience. Works almost every time and doesn't destroy things unnecessarily. Kroil and time are your best friends.
Torch the casting some and then cool the pin with a wax candle. It will seep in and and shrink the pin some. Put it on there too hot and it will catch fire though. Worked for me.

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