Touch-control Temp gauge

Now I have a really odd question, what is a touch control temp gauge, is that the gauge that tells how hot the hydraulic system is? My 1952 Farmall Super A has one on it, it’s broke but it has it. Every other one that I have seen dosent have one on it, are they common on these tractors or are they not common?

Thank you

John T.
I have gage on SuperC , gauge is located top touch control Lever frame for viewing the gauge as levers are moved to provide movement to implements. The temperature of oil should not exceed 250 F
I successfully used temperature gauge from the auto parts . Does a good job of measuring the oil temperatures in reserv of .
Its is a must if the tractor is lifting over maximum 400 lbs. repeating and often. Suggest getting one and put it in. Will save a costly repair. Touch controls system is not that robust of a system .
The gauge got added sometime during the production run. It is not in the December 1949 parts catalog but is in the June 1951 version. Production changes are often done before they make it into the catalog. So it must have been added in the late '49 to mid-'51 time. My hunch is in the last half of that span. The same change to the C/Super C tractors was probably at about the same time. An early Super C catalog indicates that it was installed from the start of production.
Now I have a really odd question, what is a touch control temp gauge, is that the gauge that tells how hot the hydraulic system is? My 1952 Farmall Super A has one on it, it’s broke but it has it. Every other one that I have seen dosent have one on it, are they common on these tractors or are they not common?

Thank you

John T.
I have one on my 1950 Super A - broken capillary tube when I bought it.
What I remember reading on this forum is that the needle rarely moves, on other words, the Touch Control doesn't run hot in normal use; so, as 560Dennis is saying, be careful if it does move.
Now I have a really odd question, what is a touch control temp gauge, is that the gauge that tells how hot the hydraulic system is? My 1952 Farmall Super A has one on it, it’s broke but it has it. Every other one that I have seen dosent have one on it, are they common on these tractors or are they not common?

Thank you

John T.
I don't have any documentation to support my assumed purpose for the gauge, but it's not uncommon for maladjustment of the linkage to cause the hydraulic system to operate at high pressure and over heat. When the lever is moved, the "feedback" linkage releases the valve when the touch control arm reaches position. If the lever is trying to move the arm past it's physical limit the "feedback" linkage can't release the valve. This causes the system to operate at full pressure and get hot. Maladjusted linkage can be detected by listening to the hydraulic system while moving the lever. When the lever is moved (not to a limit) you should hear the system operate and release when the arm reaches position. Then move the lever to a limit. The hydraulic system should sound the same. If the hydraulic system release can not be detected, the linkage needs adjustment.
Dad had a remote put on the '51 SC in '55 for lifting barge
& flare boxes for ear corn. I ran it most of the time for pulling
in loads. Only time I saw the temp gauge come up off of
low was when the remote lever somehow got stuck "on".
I was only 10 or 11 at the time, sooo dum de dum dum.

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