Tractor fire help


A little over three weeks ago my Deutz 6207 burned while I was mowing. It burned all the electrical wiring above the starter. I appreciated the advice from the forum with suggestions on rewiring or locations where to get needed parts. I was successful with rewiring all the damaged wires. I can jump start it with a screwdriver but when I depress the clutch and try to use the starter on the dash, no go. Could someone with knowledge of Deutz tractors or with an idea what might be wrong I would appreciate your help. Again, thanks for the previous help.
A little over three weeks ago my Deutz 6207 burned while I was mowing. It burned all the electrical wiring above the starter. I appreciated the advice from the forum with suggestions on rewiring or locations where to get needed parts. I was successful with rewiring all the damaged wires. I can jump start it with a screwdriver but when I depress the clutch and try to use the starter on the dash, no go. Could someone with knowledge of Deutz tractors or with an idea what might be wrong I would appreciate your help. Again, thanks for the previous help.
My method: starting with the dash switch end of the starter wiring, Make sure there is voltage to that switch. Make sure the switch provides voltage when activated. Follow the wiring to the clutch switch and then to the starter. Using a test light, or volt meter tracing the path is likely to find the issue. Jim
A little over three weeks ago my Deutz 6207 burned while I was mowing. It burned all the electrical wiring above the starter. I appreciated the advice from the forum with suggestions on rewiring or locations where to get needed parts. I was successful with rewiring all the damaged wires. I can jump start it with a screwdriver but when I depress the clutch and try to use the starter on the dash, no go. Could someone with knowledge of Deutz tractors or with an idea what might be wrong I would appreciate your help. Again, thanks for the previous help.
All depends on how much you want to sink into it and how bad it burned. I have a IH584 that was given to me because it caught fire and burned. I burnt so bad the dash steering wheel plastic battery wires radiator and a number of hoses where burnt up. The day I got it I drove it off the trailer under it own power but I know how to work around problems like what it had. To this day all it has for wires is the 2 battery cables and 3 wires for the alternator and a starter wire which I touch the battery to make it start.
Most likely your key switch has been damaged. If you can get to it on the back side with a test light/meter, you could see if power is coming from that terminal. As for rewiring, it would be most helpful if you can get a schematic of the wiring with color codes. If not make your own by drawing what color/size went from here to there and how long. Take the time to solder the new terminals to the wire and use heat shrink tape to finish the ends. If you replace the wire with one or two colors you may go nuts trying to figure a problem out in the future. It always takes time and patience to do it right but it always pays off. By the way, BTDT with a 730 Case.

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