Unknown corn picker model

Charlie M

Well-known Member
I saw this on a u-tube corn picking video a few days ago and don't have a picture. It was a picker and instead of just pushing the husks out with an apron like every picker I have ever seen it was blowing them up a tube like it was meant to blow onto a wagon but they were blowing them on the ground. A separate elevator was putting the ears in the wagon. The video doesn't show what the model or manufacturer was. I've seen lots of different manufacturer models of pickers but never one like that. Anyone know who made such a creature? I seem to recall it was a pull type picker. Seemed like a lot of extra expense just to get rid of corn husks.
I saw this on a u-tube corn picking video a few days ago and don't have a picture. It was a picker and instead of just pushing the husks out with an apron like every picker I have ever seen it was blowing them up a tube like it was meant to blow onto a wagon but they were blowing them on the ground. A separate elevator was putting the ears in the wagon. The video doesn't show what the model or manufacturer was. I've seen lots of different manufacturer models of pickers but never one like that. Anyone know who made such a creature? I seem to recall it was a pull type picker. Seemed like a lot of extra expense just to get rid of corn husks.
Case had a contraption of a corn harvester that had a blower spout & an elevator for the ears. Was that it?

I saw this on a u-tube corn picking video a few days ago and don't have a picture. It was a picker and instead of just pushing the husks out with an apron like every picker I have ever seen it was blowing them up a tube like it was meant to blow onto a wagon but they were blowing them on the ground. A separate elevator was putting the ears in the wagon. The video doesn't show what the model or manufacturer was. I've seen lots of different manufacturer models of pickers but never one like that. Anyone know who made such a creature? I seem to recall it was a pull type picker. Seemed like a lot of extra expense just to get rid of corn husks.
Sounds more like a sheller than a picker.
I saw this on a u-tube corn picking video a few days ago and don't have a picture. It was a picker and instead of just pushing the husks out with an apron like every picker I have ever seen it was blowing them up a tube like it was meant to blow onto a wagon but they were blowing them on the ground. A separate elevator was putting the ears in the wagon. The video doesn't show what the model or manufacturer was. I've seen lots of different manufacturer models of pickers but never one like that. Anyone know who made such a creature? I seem to recall it was a pull type picker. Seemed like a lot of extra expense just to get rid of corn husks.
Was it this one? It sounds like what you're describing

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