Weight identification


New User
I have 2 of these weights that I wonder if anyone know what they are off of?
If so, is there any value on them?
They are about 13 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches thick with 2 holes
Thank you in advance


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Those are Ford bumper weights.
Used on the smaller Fords from about 1955 till around 1980.
600, 800, 2000, 3000, 3600, etc.
They are not real easy to find and a pair should fetch $150 pretty easily.
Advertise them here in the classifieds, on CL or FBMP
Photo of a pair on my 3000 - taken in pre dawn darkness.


  • 625202444610.jpg
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Those are Ford bumper weights.
Used on the smaller Fords from about 1955 till around 1980.
600, 800, 2000, 3000, 3600, etc.
They are not real easy to find and a pair should fetch $150 pretty easily.
Advertise them here in the classifieds, on CL or FBMP
Photo of a pair on my 3000 - taken in pre dawn darkness.

Those are Ford bumper weights.
Used on the smaller Fords from about 1955 till around 1980.
600, 800, 2000, 3000, 3600, etc.
They are not real easy to find and a pair should fetch $150 pretty easily.
Advertise them here in the classifieds, on CL or FBMP
Photo of a pair on my 3000 - taken in pre dawn darkness.
Thank you so very much!

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