Weird 1-Wire Issue


IH 300 Utility. 12v Denso 1-wire conversion kit. As per instructions fastened GEN-BAT-L wires together using 10-32 machine screw/nut to use existing wiring. All connections are clean, bright and tight. Lights, ammeter, and all systems work correctly. Starts instantly, charges, all is good.
Issue: With engine NOT RUNNING voltmeter on battery terminals reads 12.8 volts. With engine RUNNING voltmeter on battery terminals reads 0 volts. What is preventing the voltmeter from reading battery terminal voltage after the engine starts.
Electromagnetic Interference from the points, coil and secondary ignition circuits (plug wires, etc.) is making your meter read incorrectly. Cheap meters have a higher chance of being affected by this. Does the ammeter show a charge? If so, button it up and forget about it. Are you using wire core spark plug wires? If so they put off very high EI. Nothing wrong with them, it is just a fact.
Yes, ammeter shows normal charge rates. Will button it up and call it current noise messing with the cheap voltmeter.
Using the same voltmeter I tried the same running - not running series on my creampuff '96 Lumina ( I know - apples and oranges) and the result was12.5v not running and 14.4v running. So the newer (relative) equipment has less noise interference. Just as a side note on the tractor, I never had the no voltage at battery terminals issue with the 6v gen system.

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