What is still wrong with this web site


Over Thanksgiving my son was home and we looked at how this site loads. We tried two other computers, a new lap top and his own lap top. My Imac and those two laptops all took 2 to 3 minutes to load/submit anything on this site. Any other site loaded instantly. I have fiber optic and wifi that loads at around 500Mbps. My son is a programer and has worked at Garmin, Microsoft and is presently at Adobe, so he knows computers. He stated the server may need rebooting or has some issues with some of the software that runs the program. There were other things he mentioned but I don't remember or know what he talking about.
The email is support at yesterdaystractors .com put in the at sign and no spaces. I use an iPhone to post. I do see times when it is painfully slow. However between Thanksgiving day and now nothing seems unusual to me.
Depending on your ISP, this site can be considered as though it need real inspection. others are near tranparent to access and speed. Jim
Response is instant for me. Even on the work computer through VPN.

I "know computers" too. If it was the server, EVERYONE would be having problems. As it is only you that is having problems, it has to be something between you and the server. Since you've tried multiple devices, it's not your device. So that leaves the network between you and the server.

There could be some "throttling" going on, but if it's truly "2-3 minutes" that seems extreme.

There is a "Site Comments" forum for stuff like this. Staff regularly reads that. It's not likely they can do anything about it as you are the only one having trouble.
Agree with Barnyard. My access is lightning fast on Modern and Classic views and I live out in the boonies.
It took 45 seconds to open this window. I posted the short question below and it took 4 minutes and 23 seconds to get it posted once I pushed the Preview button. It has been doing this for over a month now. It would always open up instantly before that time. so something is amiss with this site.
(quoted from post at 19:30:35 11/30/22) It took 45 seconds to open this window. I posted the short question below and it took 4 minutes and 23 seconds to get it posted once I pushed the Preview button. It has been doing this for over a month now. It would always open up instantly before that time. so something is amiss with this site.

Maybe your computer is loaded with cookies or something. If it was this site, I would think it would effect everyone.
Not a problem here.

Took about 5 seconds after pushing submit. Sounds like a problem on your end.

This post was edited by Jim.ME on 11/30/2022 at 03:53 pm.
(quoted from post at 16:30:35 11/30/22) It took 45 seconds to open this window. I posted the short question below and it took 4 minutes and 23 seconds to get it posted once I pushed the Preview button. It has been doing this for over a month now. It would always open up instantly before that time. so something is amiss with this site.

Have your son try to access the site from his computer at his home.

If it is fast, it is your Internet connection. Something between you and this particular website is causing the slow connection. There is likely nothing you can do about it but wait it out.

There is a huge complex network between you and this website. Your signal ping-pongs all over the place, usually taking the fastest path from here to there but not always. For example, if someone cuts a fiber cable while digging with a backhoe, that can cause your signal to go over a slow backup connection, or have to take the long way around to get where it needs to go.

Think of it like the railroad system. If a train gets derailed on the main line from Buffalo to Pittsburgh, the rest of the trains have to take alternate routes to get around the derailment. It only affects the traffic that has to get to Pittsburgh or needs to go through Pittsburg, though. If you're going to Cleveland, or New York City, those are in whole different directions so you won't see any delays.
I did a search on "some internet sites are slow to load". There were various articles on fixing this. It could be your router, or all the way into the routing techniques of your internet provider.

I'd turn this project over to your son. Don't expect fast results as very few people, including computer professionals, have expertise in this area. It may require a lot of slow investigating.

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