what is this?

300 dave



this item is for sale local. It has a clear Ferguson name plate in lower right corner. It can be seen well detailed in another photo. As I just got a Fergy this summer, I am very curious about this. Is it possibly somekind of jack/lift to change tires? or what?

thanks to all

I assume it uses the tractor hydraulic to lift, then stick the block thing in. Lots of parts missing I think. Also think there is about zero chacne of finding missing parts - maybe make them?
I don't think it's actually missing all that much. But I've never used one personally - just been around a few tractors that have been sitting on one. If you ask on the N board you'll probably get lots of responses from folks who have/made one.

Pretty sure you just slide it in and tip it so the cradles are under the axle, hook up the links to the 3-pt, and lift the hitch.

Even if there are parts missing - there's not much to them, and you could easily make the missing parts. You could probably build a complete one on a few hours with parts kicking around the scrap pile.
I think you have everything you need there. Here's a video of one. He has the additional components for the front lift as well, but usually you see just the back ones like you have shown
Tractor Jack
(quoted from post at 10:02:24 11/15/23) I assume it uses the tractor hydraulic to lift, then stick the block thing in. Lots of parts missing I think. Also think there is about zero chacne of finding missing parts - maybe make them?

That photo that DanielW's link to has a bunch of other miscellaneous parts on that pallet I think the jack is pretty much all there. But do ask on the Ford N forum.
The only part missing is the front jack and chain. A smaller piece that went under the front and when activated by the lift arms would have the entire tractor off the ground to remove wheels.
Google search Ford tractor jack plans or try substituting 'Ford' with '8N'.
You should find those plans available.
I have seen them.
No, on this site I can't say where.

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