What would this plow be called or classified as ?

Aggie Farmer

New User
I’m helping my 8 year old out with his first watermelon patch. We’re pulling my dad’s old garden plows out of the weeds and hooked up to this. My boy asked what kind of plow it was and I didn’t know. I’d call it a cross between an offset disc and backward surflex hybrid. Anyone have any ideas ? I looked for a tag or brand and couldn’t find one.


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I’m helping my 8 year old out with his first watermelon patch. We’re pulling my dad’s old garden plows out of the weeds and hooked up to this. My boy asked what kind of plow it was and I didn’t know. I’d call it a cross between an offset disc and backward surflex hybrid. Anyone have any ideas ? I looked for a tag or brand and couldn’t find one.
That looks pretty heavy duty. Looks like what the town uses to take the edges of the gravel roads down to help recrown. It busts up the sod that contains the gravel pushed to the sides. They usually run it on the front of the grader. It's off set like that.
That looks pretty heavy duty. Looks like what the town uses to take the edges of the gravel roads down to help recrown. It busts up the sod that contains the gravel pushed to the sides. They usually run it on the front of the grader. It's off set like that.
I think it's called a shouldering disk.
Many people would call that a "disk tiller" or, here in Kansas, it would be called a "one way". Some might use the term "disk plow" but a true disk plow has disks mounted on individual bearings and not on a common shaft.

When it comes to names for implements you'll find a lot of regional differences so what is the only right name for some people might be completely different for someone else in a different region.
Every time someone asks about one of those there's always a lot of confusion what its actual name is. Some folks call it a disc plow, but others say that a true disc plow has separate discs on individual axles, not a shared gang like that. Others (like me) call it a 'one-way disc' because that's how manufacturers originally advertised them (see link below) but some folks don't like that, because these days the term 'one way disc' is the name for the more common gang discs for heavy tillage without a 'V' shape (front gang angles only one way, back gang angles only the opposite way). Out West they seem to be often called 'single gang discs' or 'disc tillers'. I have a Dearborn one that I call a 'one way disc' as that's what everyone called them around here (and also what's stamped on the name plate).
Edit: I wanted to post a link to a picture of an original Dearborn ad that called them a 'one way disc plow', but I forgot this forum doesn't allow links to other forums. If you Google, 'Dearborn one way disc' and look at images you'll find a picture of an ad on the N tractor club forums.
I’m helping my 8 year old out with his first watermelon patch. We’re pulling my dad’s old garden plows out of the weeds and hooked up to this. My boy asked what kind of plow it was and I didn’t know. I’d call it a cross between an offset disc and backward surflex hybrid. Anyone have any ideas ? I looked for a tag or brand and couldn’t find one.
Many names used but in the parts books you will find them called a disk tiller. Yours has to be a light weight unit being it is a mounted unit. Mine was a old (30?} unit.
Ditto on one way or disk tiller.
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You can't see it if its in the picture as the camera was behind the implement.......but that little guy sticking out front all alone (can't read the item number) is an absolute must for that thing to work properly.....it counters the torque applied to the tractor by the blades. Without it, the implement would put tremendous one sided pressure on the rear of the tractor and steering in a straight line would be impossible unless you had a 4wd much heavier tractor and then I'd expect to be marginal.

I know that because I bought one once with out the "countering wheel". JD built a drag type that was popular around here back in the late '70's when I bought my farm. 16-20 discs were popular pulled by Johnny Poppers. What they all had was a countering wheel at the rear and it was solid cast iron and/or there was a big box atop it that would be filled with dirt or concrete to help it to offset the plow's torque on the tractor.
I’m helping my 8 year old out with his first watermelon patch. We’re pulling my dad’s old garden plows out of the weeds and hooked up to this. My boy asked what kind of plow it was and I didn’t know. I’d call it a cross between an offset disc and backward surflex hybrid. Anyone have any ideas ? I looked for a tag or brand and couldn’t find one.
TXJIM Nailed it! It is an Offset Disc Harrow, not a plow. They made them to allow access into tight corners and around fruit trees and such in orchards. Here is what a PLOW looks like...

Your Mileage May Vary,
Tim Daley (MI)


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You can't see it if its in the picture as the camera was behind the implement.......but that little guy sticking out front all alone (can't read the item number) is an absolute must for that thing to work properly.....it counters the torque applied to the tractor by the blades. Without it, the implement would put tremendous one sided pressure on the rear of the tractor and steering in a straight line would be impossible unless you had a 4wd much heavier tractor and then I'd expect to be marginal.

I know that because I bought one once with out the "countering wheel". JD built a drag type that was popular around here back in the late '70's when I bought my farm. 16-20 discs were popular pulled by Johnny Poppers. What they all had was a countering wheel at the rear and it was solid cast iron and/or there was a big box atop it that would be filled with dirt or concrete to help it to offset the plow's torque on the tractor.
Thanks for the info. After looking at that coulter in the picture, you are spot on. Yesterday, I tried it in some sand that was moldboard plowed last winter and it would make the 135 massey go sideways in places.
We used have a Tiller Plow like this way back in the 70's. Ours was an Athens I think. We used it in new ground plowing, It would cut Tree Roots still in the ground.
I’m helping my 8 year old out with his first watermelon patch. We’re pulling my dad’s old garden plows out of the weeds and hooked up to this. My boy asked what kind of plow it was and I didn’t know. I’d call it a cross between an offset disc and backward surflex hybrid. Anyone have any ideas ? I looked for a tag or brand and couldn’t find one.
We have heavy clay ground with rocks here, so I’ve only ever seen such a thing in pictures. I enjoyed reading the thread.

The past 5 years or so ‘speed disks’ have popped up everywhere on farm shows. They kind of look like a modern version of that. Once again, in our local wet heavy clay with rocks, I do not see such a machine in actual field conditions. It just wouldn’t fit our soil type.

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