
South Central PA
Saw this at the Antique Machinery Show in Gratz, PA July 20. I am by no means fluent in White models but had never seen/heard of this one before. According to, the 100 was made 1987-89. Someone told me the 100 series were among the last of the White designs and there aren’t that many around.
A friend spoke with the owner who said he thought that the 100 was one of the best models White ever made.
I'd sure like to have a 100 or 120, but like you said, they're like hen's teeth. You'll pay a premium price if you ever are lucky enough to find one. You see a 140 every now and then. Must have been a few more of those built.

Edit: The more I think about it, the 125 and 145 would have come after the 120 and 140. Those are way more rare than the 140 would be.
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The 100 is a naturally aspirated 5.9 cummins. I would love to have one. They are a few around here but havent found one I can afford! There was one at a dealer a few years back that showed 17000 plus hours, cab was rusted out, overall pretty rough, but of course the cummins still ran good. They still wanted 20k for it.
I think Tom and I have likely looked at the same ones that have come up for sale in our area. They always seem to fetch about the same price as a new tractor of equivalent HP (or very close to it). I can't fault anyone for paying that much either: If I were asked to build a tractor from scratch with all the features I want and using the engine, tranny, and any other parts of my own choosing, I probably wouldn't do much (if anything) different than what White did when building those.

Agco had a few later tractors using the 5.9 Cummins, but the best part about those Whites was that they were designed just before things started to get too computerized, which I understand is the primary cause of faults with the later Agco units.

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