White 543 Planter - Drive Plate


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by wicomico160 on April 23, 2018 at 07:49:45.
The original subject was Re: White 543 Planter Drive Plate.

Hello! I was reading your comments on here & saw where you tracked down a 543 White corn planter part that I also need. Its a plastic drive plate? We need one & cant find it ANYWHERE. Would you be able to tell me where you found one? Thank you so much!
Back in the day when we had ours we got then from the White dealer so try agco parts. #14


Or try this # 270 528 2133 ask for Larry

This post was edited by mudcreek183 on 05/23/2023 at 05:21 pm.

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