Wisconsin 4 cyl. Engine.

Ol 54'

I have a 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine that Pops and I made up to cut firewood. We built a small little trailer for it with an axle. Of course pops is not around any more, he called it a buzz saw. My actual question would be, is there a threaded boss or fitting anywhere where I could install a oil pressure gauge of some sort. I'm just curious what type of oil pressure it has.. Thanks..
I have a 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine that Pops and I made up to cut firewood. We built a small little trailer for it with an axle. Of course pops is not around any more, he called it a buzz saw. My actual question would be, is there a threaded boss or fitting anywhere where I could install a oil pressure gauge of some sort. I'm just curious what type of oil pressure it has.. Thanks..
Look on the oil filter base if it has one, there may be a plug there.
It is a very low pressure system like 5 psi. All it is, is 4 orifices to squirt on the connecting rods and 1 to supply the governor. Wisconsin owners manual states that an oil pressure indicator is unnecessary for this reason.

The above is for the flathead engines. The OHV engines like the V465 might be a different story.
I had one that had a pressure gauge in the middle of the block to the right of the filter. You can see it in the picture between oil filter and distributor.


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