ym3000 engine problem ?


New User
This just happened a second time. Tractor suddenly developed a very loud knock. Really loud. Engine rpm's dropped but didn't die, engine lost power, started smoking really bad. Lasted about 30 seconds both time. Then knocking gradually went away and engine seemed fine after both occurrences. Anyone got any ideas what this could be? Anything I could check? Run it til it dies and then fix it?
Here is one way to test injectors. However, if yours is not acting up at all times this test may not help you. "If" the injector was doing it constantly you could slowly looosen the injector line at the injector and seel if it makes any difference in running. You need to be very careful as you do that as the pump is putting up several thousand psi. Your injectors pop a little over 2000 psi. https://web.archive.org/web/2022092...ctor.com/support/knowledgebase.php?article=43
Thanks again, Winston. I poured in a bottle of fuel injector cleaner and am going to see if it happens again. If it does I'll dig in try to figure it out from there.
Thanks again, Winston. I poured in a bottle of fuel injector cleaner and am going to see if it happens again. If it does I'll dig in try to figure it out from there.
For our Yanmar diesel injectors, I found this to work the best. Prior, I used Seafoam, that was alright, but the Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up is tops. It is formulated for diesel injectors.


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