Z-134 rod bolt locks


1750042m1 'Sunflower' connecting rod lock washers.

I am overhauling a Z-134/TO-35 engine. I know it originally came with bolt locks with bendable tabs. It came to me with regular lock washers (one of which was cracked and fell into two pieces upon removal). Common lock washers are sloppy fit, originals are scarce/expensive and I wonder how effective they are, a single tab that is bent agains the nut(?) rod cap(?).

Blue loctite is the modern alternative, but without a washer of some sort the rod bolt projects thru the rod. The first one I did today knocked a bit of metal loose from the rod and left it hanging by a thread. Lucky I noticed it.

Any suggestions? It seems like I need a little something under the bolt to keep pieces in the correct relationship. Torquing a bolt directly on the rod cap seems a bit sketchy.

I personally don't like tab washers. They are soft and prone to squeeze out, like the lock washer did.

Some hardened washers would be ideal. You can order them from auto speed shops online. They are made for
rod nuts, just specify the bolt size. Locktite is not necessary, they will stay tight.

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