Zenith 267 leaking gas


Hey guys. So I have a Ford 3500 Industrial with a Zenith 267 carb on it. Just purchased the rig a few months ago. I was having some problems with it choking out under load. I noticed that if I pulled the choke about half way out than the tractor would run perfect. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that gas was leaking out of the carb. (I had not been shutting off the fuel at the bottom of the tank when not in use. I was not aware)
When starting the tractor I have always had to pull the choke out all the way to get it to start. Usually started right up.
Anyway, I took off the carb when I got a repair kit in. Replaced gaskets, needle. Floats were fine, measured them when putting it back together.
One issue I had was that the main jet would not come out, because the flat head stripped while I was trying to get it out. I had turned it about 1.5 rotations and maybe got it back in a half rotation before the other side of the head stripped.
I got the carb back in and it started right up for me but still same issue as far as I had to run it at half choke to keep it from losing power on me.
As soon as our first cold day showed up, I had trouble starting it and it would immediately start leaking gas at the carb.
I was able to start it up using starter fluid and then again a few more days without the starter fluid, but now it won't start at all. When I spray it with starter fluid it actually stops turning over and whines. Don't laugh_ Vrrrrm vrrrrrm vrrrm vrrrm, vrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee
I've replaced the plugs, points, rotor in distributer. Tested the battery and it is good. Checked to see if I had spark and it does.
I'm back to thinking my carb is just not working right.
Plan on taking it apart again, but anything specific I should try? I've seen some other posts about other carbs that leak and I will try out some of those tests. I'm not sure what I can do about that main jet, other than try to drill it out and replace.

Flooded engines can foul spark plugs resulting in no start. Pull the plugs and heat them with a propane torch till very hot (business end, not the whole plug) There are two likely possible issues. The main jet or its passages are still plugged up some.
The intake manifold is cracked or leaking air at a gasket causing lean running. Jim
I've replaced the plugs, points, rotor in distributer. Tested the battery and it is good. Checked to see if I had spark and it does.
Hello Nep.., welcome to YT! Does this paragraph belong higher up or is this how it fell chronologically? Your Vrmm…..vereee is caused by a problem with your starter drive. What happens is when you give it the SF it fires and the engine momentarily spins faster than the starter. The drive has a one way clutch that allows it to over run. But the one/way clutch in the drive is failing and it doesn’t catch again when the engine slows down when it quits firing. So the vereee sound is the starter motor spinning free with out the load of turning the engine.
How much carburetor work have you done? If your process didn’t include the following it needs redone utilizing the method. Every hole or passage needs poked or with a wire close to its size. Then it should get a squirt of spray carb cleaner then that should be followed by a blast of compressed air. Then as no joke you should repeat that 2 more times if the passage is not straight through to where you can see it is clear. A torch tip cleaning set is very good tool with multiple size wire cleaning pokers to use for this task. I would have to see a photo of the jet you are talking about to see if the fact that it is stuck partially backed out would be a problem or not.
Hey guys. So I have a Ford 3500 Industrial with a Zenith 267 carb on it. Just purchased the rig a few months ago. I was having some problems with it choking out under load. I noticed that if I pulled the choke about half way out than the tractor would run perfect. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that gas was leaking out of the carb. (I had not been shutting off the fuel at the bottom of the tank when not in use. I was not aware)
When starting the tractor I have always had to pull the choke out all the way to get it to start. Usually started right up.
Anyway, I took off the carb when I got a repair kit in. Replaced gaskets, needle. Floats were fine, measured them when putting it back together.
One issue I had was that the main jet would not come out, because the flat head stripped while I was trying to get it out. I had turned it about 1.5 rotations and maybe got it back in a half rotation before the other side of the head stripped.
I got the carb back in and it started right up for me but still same issue as far as I had to run it at half choke to keep it from losing power on me.
As soon as our first cold day showed up, I had trouble starting it and it would immediately start leaking gas at the carb.
I was able to start it up using starter fluid and then again a few more days without the starter fluid, but now it won't start at all. When I spray it with starter fluid it actually stops turning over and whines. Don't laugh_ Vrrrrm vrrrrrm vrrrm vrrrm, vrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee
I've replaced the plugs, points, rotor in distributer. Tested the battery and it is good. Checked to see if I had spark and it does.
I'm back to thinking my carb is just not working right.
Plan on taking it apart again, but anything specific I should try? I've seen some other posts about other carbs that leak and I will try out some of those tests. I'm not sure what I can do about that main jet, other than try to drill it out and replace.

Hello Nep.., welcome to YT! Does this paragraph belong higher up or is this how it fell chronologically? Your Vrmm…..vereee is caused by a problem with your starter drive. What happens is when you give it the SF it fires and the engine momentarily spins faster than the starter. The drive has a one way clutch that allows it to over run. But the one/way clutch in the drive is failing and it doesn’t catch again when the engine slows down when it quits firing. So the vereee sound is the starter motor spinning free with out the load of turning the engine.
How much carburetor work have you done? If your process didn’t include the following it needs redone utilizing the method. Every hole or passage needs poked or with a wire close to its size. Then it should get a squirt of spray carb cleaner then that should be followed by a blast of compressed air. Then as no joke you should repeat that 2 more times if the passage is not straight through to where you can see it is clear. A torch tip cleaning set is very good tool with multiple size wire cleaning pokers to use for this task. I would have to see a photo of the jet you are talking about to see if the fact that it is stuck partially backed out would be a problem or not.
See what an aftermarket carb sells for on Amazon. If it doesn't work you can return it.
KIPA Carburetor for Ford New Holland Tractors 3055 3120 3150 3300 3310 3330 3400 3500 3550, Replace OE # C5NE9510C With Mounting Gaskets Durable $66.75
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