Reflections of the Fifties

Miscellaneous Articles Memories of a Farmall C When in Drought, Build a Tractor Shed! The Great Escape Bringing "Sweatheart" Home Tractor Power What Price Enthusiasm? The 8N and the Fox Sunday Drives Hello Ford 601 - Goodbye Mule! Dad's old Silver King and Joe Caplco The Day Tractor Lovers Dream About Derelict (a Poem) A Lifetime of David Brown Tractors Museum Coverage: The Stuttgart Agricultural Museum Story of a Case SC Farmall 460 - That's My Girl! Getting My Old Tractor Home The Mud Daubers & the Old John Deere Dad's 1945 Farmall A Farming Never Left My Blood Godfrey, ILlinois Country Days An AC Model M Crawler The River Tractor Recollections of a John Deere GP Journey to Ankeny A Minneapolis-Moline Comes Home Machine Shops Running Beans in East Central Indiana Gathering of the Orange Magic Moments Tractors and the City Boy Stories From Old Farmer, #1 Stories From Old Farmer, #2 Stories From Old Farmer, #3 The Allis Chalmers ED40 The Roof Palamino Good as New A Towny Goes Plowing Picking Corn Introduction to the Gibson D My Ford Golden Jubilee Persistence Pays Off Case Farm Equipment A John Deere B Unstuck Women and Tractors Women and Tractors - A Woman's Touch Women and Tractor Pulls Women and Tractor - Views from the Farmer's Wife Women and Tractors - Tractor Engine Repair Memories of a Field Service Engineer More Memories of a Field Service Engineer 2 More Memories of a Field Service Engineer 3 More Memories of a Field Service Engineer 4 More Memories of a Field Service Engineer 5 More Memories of a Field Service Engineer 6 More Memories of a Field Service Engineer 7 A Threshing Demonstration When Push Comes to Shove A Farmall Story Old Tractors Still Have Their Place Box Plow Blues Farmall Stories A Lifetime of Farm Machinery A Tractor's Point of View Reflections of the Fifties Some People Like Red The Massey Show Chores It Can't Be Done! - A Tractor Story 1935 John Deere Model BN - History of My Tractor Field Modifications Fire in the Field On the Road with Dave Gohl: Deere Departed Friend On the Road with Dave Gohl: Auction Musings On the Road w/ Dave Gohl: Tractor Club Beginnings On the Road with Dave Gohl: Tractors and Farming Transfer of Power - Hoof to Tractor Unidentified Crawling Object Unidentified Crawling Object - Identified? Memories of an IH Super A A City Guy's First Tractor It's Alright Where It Is! Central Illinois Strawberry Festival Old Gold National Antique Show Self-Starting Tractor - McCormick 10-20 Yesterday (a Poem) Little M An Old-Time Tractor Demonstration The Day Mom Drove the 8N Argyle & Mt. Pleasant Labor Day Show Pop's Tractor of Gold
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Reflections of the Fifties
by "Country" Elliott

I remember growing up in the 1950s in a small, rural town in northwestern New Jersey. The closest town to ours was only 3 miles away, and there were seven dairy farms in the areas of these two country towns.

We had 5 acres, and because my Dad was a salesman and not a dairy farmer, he let the Bockovens, who owned the Willow Tree Dairy farm most of our land.

Picture of Farmall
One of my earliest farm experiences as a young boy was running into the back field, as Don Bockoven and his dad Frank were making hay. Don would cut the hay with a sickle bar mower attached to his 1946 Farmall M, while Frank pulled a side delivery rake with his 1948 Case RC.

My sisters and I and our neighborhood friends used to play in the hayfield, making trails and pretend forts just before the hay was tall enough to be mowed. When that time arrived, we knew we could count on getting a ride on the hay wagon, and help with loading the bails of hay. The best time of all was riding on the hay wagon down the hill to the farm where we would help unload the bails onto a conveyer that carried them up into the hayloft of the huge red barn.

Life was so simple then, none of us realized how complicated things would become over the next twenty or thirty years! The roads in our town were gravel, and one was even still dirt then! Cars had running boards, and occasionally wed get to ride on the running boards of the neighborhood cars coming back up the hill on West Main Street from the center of town. We would hold on to the center door post with the front and back windows rolled down, and away we would go at the breakneck speed of 25 or 30 miles an hour up the hill on the running boards of Frank Deans old 38 Chevrolet.

The Willow Tree Dairy was where my family got our milk, and every morning Don Bockoven would get into his 1952 Divco milk truck and drive his milk route around town.

The glass quart bottles of milk were kept in a large cooler. They were iced down with cold well water and block ice, and somehow Don always knew how much ice was going to be enough to keep the load of milk cool on a hot summers day. There was always a generous supply of cream at the top of each of the milk bottles, and he carried pints and half pints of cream just in case a customer needed more. But my favorite recollection of Don Bockovens milk route were the quart bottles of chocolate milk, made fresh each day in the Willow Tree Dairy milk cooler room.

As I got older, and took summer jobs on the local road department, I always looked for Dons Divco milk truck, so I could flag him down and buy a quart of that terrific iced cold chocolate milkwhat a treat!

On alternate years, Don and Frank Bockoven would plant corn in our back field, and that always resulted in the greatest hiding mazes a kid could create. When Don would drive up to cut the corn on his M with an International Harvester 2-row corn picker, we would rush out from the house again and help make the corn stalks into stacks. These always made great indian teepees and forts to hide in. Cap pistols and a game of cowboys and indians always followed the corn harvest in the Fall. It was my favorite time of the year!

Picture of Farmall Cub
Fall meant Halloween and carving pumpkins, and filling paper napkins with my Mothers flour to make flour bombs. Just the right weapon on a dark country road to turn any unsuspecting trick or treater into a powdery ghost! It was all harmless good-natured fun, and no one ever took it too seriously or got bent out of shape by getting flour bombed. Of course toilet paper draped all the trees from our neighborhood all the way down into the center of town. The next day on the school bus, which Dons wife Florence drove, all of us kids could see first hand the toilet paper artistry we had created the night before!

Fall also meant glass gallon jugs of Lou Savages homemade apple cider. Lou Savage lived up the hill from us, and had a big apple orchard. He also had a 1948 Farmall Cub that pulled a farm wagon around the orchard so he could collect the ripe apples and put them in wood bushel baskets. He also would let us neighborhood kids help pick the good apples off the ground and put them in the baskets.

This always meant a ride back from the orchard on the wagon to the cider barn where Lou made the most delicious hand pressed cider you ever tasted! Hed sell it to the neighbors, and anyone else who knew about this terrific fall nectar for just a dollar a gallon! My Dad always kept a gallon jug of Lous cider on our cold porch, and because it wasnt pasteurized, you needed to drink it within a week, or it would turn to apple cider vinegar.

Our next door neighbors had an apple orchard that Lou kept mowed with his Cub and a #22 sickle bar mower. Id watch Lou on that Cub mowing around that orchard for what seemed like hours, through the split rail fence.

I guess these early memories have stayed fondly with me all these years. I never did become a farmer, instead I became a salesman like my Dad, but I always promised myself that Id get a Farmall tractor or two just for the fun of it. Today, I own, and have restored a 1946 McCormick-Deering Farmall M, and a 1948 McCormick-Deering Farmall Cub with a #22 sickle bar mower. I show them at antique tractor and engine shows around the state and drive them around our country roads, just to charge up their batteriesand mine! Somehow, every time Im on those tractors, I can travel back and visit those times and people who helped shape my life. Theyre GREAT recollections of a much simpler time in our history that wont ever come again. Im convinced this is why so many people my age buy old tractors and antique cars and trucksthe time machines of our past!

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