My generator isn't putting out any voltage to speak of. About .6 volts.
I took it apart and sanded the armature, the brushes are wore down pretty short, but not gone. I cleaned out the grooves on the armature also.
Should I read continuity between the field post and the A post?
Also between the posts and the case, I am very ignorant on generators.
I have it on my bench and am spinning it with a battery impact wrench. I briefly touched the post with the leads from a battery charger in case it needed excited.
I hate to replace it with a alt. because I don't want to lose my tach.
What do I check before I junk it?
I took it apart and sanded the armature, the brushes are wore down pretty short, but not gone. I cleaned out the grooves on the armature also.
Should I read continuity between the field post and the A post?
Also between the posts and the case, I am very ignorant on generators.
I have it on my bench and am spinning it with a battery impact wrench. I briefly touched the post with the leads from a battery charger in case it needed excited.
I hate to replace it with a alt. because I don't want to lose my tach.
What do I check before I junk it?