135 generator


My generator isn't putting out any voltage to speak of. About .6 volts.

I took it apart and sanded the armature, the brushes are wore down pretty short, but not gone. I cleaned out the grooves on the armature also.

Should I read continuity between the field post and the A post?
Also between the posts and the case, I am very ignorant on generators.

I have it on my bench and am spinning it with a battery impact wrench. I briefly touched the post with the leads from a battery charger in case it needed excited.
I hate to replace it with a alt. because I don't want to lose my tach.

What do I check before I junk it?
Check that the short brushes are touching the commutator.

Try connecting the F to the generator frame while spinning it to excite the field.

Check to see the field isn't open. It connects to the A terminal inside.

Take it to an automotive electric shop for repair, instead of tossing it. Mine has worked fine for a long time and charges at 20 amps when its needed and I get long battery life.

Loosing the tachometer is a pain.

Gerald J.
Is it a Lucas generator or AC? Whichever, ensure that the brush springs do not make contact with the brush holders or you may loose contact. Ensure that the brush face to the armature is in good contact. If all appears to be OK refit the gen (dynamo) Using some heavyish cable connect one end to one terminal Using a piece of similar cable connect one end to the other terminal. 'T' the short cable into the longer one so that you have both terminals connected into one wire.
Bare the end of this wire. Start the engine and run at fast idle (1000 rpm or so) Flash the end of the wire to a good earth point. If the dynamo is working there should be a substantial 'flash'.
Anything less and dynamo output is reduced. You may have earthing in the field coils or armature.
There may be auto replacements that will fit. Some may have open ends and be of a different rating. A repair should be cheaper than a replacement.
I just took it apart again, removed the brushes and put them back in again.

Without the armature in place I have continuity between the two posts.
but not to the case, when I put the armature back in I have continuity to the case from either post. Does this mean the armature is shorted?

Without the armature in place I can hook 12 volts to the two posts and create a magnetic field, it will pull a screwdriver to the side.

I am spinning it with a cordless impact wrench at approximately 1000 rpm and it shows about -.6 volt because the wrench is turning clockwise I suppose.

The brushes are in pretty bad shape but still seem to be making contact, if I had quick way to get brushes I would put them in now, but they will have to be ordered and if the armature is shorted it would be pointless.
It is a AC gen.

I will make sure after while that the brushes are not touching the springs
I recently replaced the generator with an alternator. I used a single wire Delco and just spliced it the one wire of the generator. I have not removed the voltage regulator yet and I think is is causing a charging issue. The tach still works, it is a U.K. model 135. I also have to rev the tractor to the pto mark on the tach for it to start working, guess it has to hit the turn on rpm

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