135 hydraulic linkage reassembly


It'll be no surprise to those that know, that to fit a new position control cam link (dog) the whole hydraulic control set up had to come apart. With it all back together (for the second time!), I now have to adjust it so it works properly/at all ...

I have the full manual but I need various special tools. I reckon some can be improvised but can anyone help with photos, drawings, advice, warnings?
Went ahead and made a lash-up version of the MF test rig (pic attached and look, no cable ties ... well OK, just a couple) which seems to work OK, BUT would still really appreciate some input on:

[list:c2726e7a4f]1) the block the holds up the ram arm: found a Big Dean post where he said a piece of half inch metal bar just sat between the ram arm and the lift cover would do (if I understand right). I was thinking a piece of hardwood would do ... as I understand it, it's only a spacer.

2) the dashpost wedge; not a clue what this looks like or what it does, but it seems vital! And how on earth do you measure 3 ft lbs of torque like the manually says?

3) I'm just hoping I can get away without the tests needing a pressure gauge.
As I've searched this board for answers I came across a thread titled something like "I Was Just Testing The Hydraulics And Then There Was A Bang" [it was the hydraulic cylinder shattering]. Really great title, but I'd like to avoid having to use it myself ...

Hi, i haven't been on the site for a couple of days......entertaining a errrr new ladyfriend over the weekend. Do you still need this info?
(quoted from post at 10:01:20 07/30/12) Hi, i haven't been on the site for a couple of days......entertaining a errrr new ladyfriend over the weekend. Do you still need this info?

YES PLEASE! All advice on the hydraulic adjustments very welcome.

Also, I have found a hydraulic supplies specialist just down the road, and they can do a hydraulic gauge for much less than I thought (a lot less than another new cylinder, anyway) but I don't know:
a) what fitting I should ask them to put on the end, or
b) where the port is to take the reading from
Sorry to add 2 more questions, but having come this far I'd like to do it as right as I can.

Hope your entertaining went well (is this ladyfriend painted mostly red and grey with a taste for diesel or the other sort that prefers white wine?)
Attached is a pic of how I've tried to improvise what I think the "dashpot wedge" special tool does. Can anybody tell me if it might work?


Using this setup I've tried to adjust the linkage according to the manual (fulcrum and position control adjuster bolts), but it still isn't checking out with DavidP's instructions. Previously he posted:

To recap if the cover were fitted; the position control lever is down, the 3-pt is down and the vertical lever is leaning forward. Exert gentle pressure rearward on the vertical lever but not enough to move it.

At this point there's no resistance to "gentle pressure rearward".

Now raise the Position Control lever slowly. The vertical lever will move rearward (as if fitted) through the neutral position and into the pumping position

Lever doesn't move. The linkage all feels good, but I think I'm missing something obvious or starting from the wrong place. Or something. As ever, all suggestions gratefully received ...

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