14t hay ramp


Well-known Member
Just wondering if anyone has or is familiar with a hay ramp for a 14t JD baler?Its a piece of metal that fastens near the end of the auger and guides the hay upwards to the feeder teeth.i would like to make one for my baler but the picture in the manual is not too clear.thanks in advance.
I've never seen one but as the manual states its for use in lite windrows. I always rake enough hay together to make a heavy swath which my 14T seems to like. You can vary your ground in order to keep the feeding rate more or less even. HTH.
thanks for the reply....you're right the windrow makes a big difference.i've experimented with different sizes and moisture content and i played with the tension cranks.i still get an uneven bale ,,,light on the left side.i hoped the ramp might might help get more hay to that side and offset any mistakes i am making.Does the ramp look like a straight piece of sheetmeal to you?it seems to be just a baffle and not really a ramp.what do you think?

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