175 serial number question

I tried to look up the serial number on our 175, and the number is much different than what is in the data online. The number on ours is 84787, but the number in the serial number charts start with 6 and are much longer. Does anyone know the year of manufacture of this tractor? I know it was purchased by my grandfather in 1970 or 71 when it was a year or two old.
My guess is the 9A in front of the serial number
got rubbed off somehow. Based on that, it would be a 1969 model, as the 1970 models started with #87325.
It has the 9A. That would make sense for it to be a year old and bought in 1970. Its first engine rebuild is going to have to come soon. It sees a lot of use and is in bad need of new rings and sleeves.
..how did your burley turn out? Another drought here, put some odd colors in a few crops. Wondered if you have it stripped yet. Thanks!
I'm going to strip it this weekend. Between the drought, tomato spotted wilt, and the worst case of hornworms I've ever seen, I didn't have a very good crop. I don't know much about the color, etc... since it's my first Burley crop, so I guess I'll get the final verdict when it is graded and weighed. Maybe next year will be better.
I know what you mean, some years you wonder why you raised it, next year you have the 'best' you've had in a while. I hope it strips and sells good.
Thanks for the update.

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