1800 massey 4 wheel drive tractor

David Gady

New User
I have a 1800 Massey 4 wheel drive tractor and am trying to figure out what the pressure should be for the hydraulic remotes. I can not get it to raise my 26' Schulte rotary chopper. I am not sure if it is capable of lifting it. In most stuff I am use to the hydraulic remote pressure is around 2,000 psi, but in this older model I just do not know The hydraulic pumps are driven by belts from the driveline between the engine and the tranny. If any one can help me out that would be great.


Hi David, My manual doesn't give the pressure but
maybe you need bigger diameter hyd lift cylinder
or cylinders. Chuck
What kind of pressure is it putting out now?

Early 1970's was when the industry was transitioning from 1600PSI systems to 2000PSI systems, so it could be either.

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