1980 MF285 Questions


Well-known Member
Sanford, NC
A customer of mine has a 285, it has had fuel leaks sense he brought it. nothing more than a drip every now and again from the pump and some wick'n around the injectors are injector fit'ns...

I have a few times tighten up things but tighten things up are not working anymore. In the pix were I am point'n at it has started to leak bad,,,its not the line,,,, is this a fix that a decent non diesel mechanic can preform....

It also has worn out the left rear brake,,, it squeals and has little to no affect stop'n it... I spec I could do it but not look'n forward to handling those big wheels,,, i spec i could improvise tool'n needed to make life EZ'er

Pix of the pump,,, any advice would be appreciated...
BTW the owner is in Afghanistan serving his county... The wife is keep'n up the farm and depends on this tractor to do the big mow'n chores...



The pump leak at that point, will be an "O" ring type seal. It's location is between the pump body, and the pump "head". It's a common leak, but one that, I feel, should be repaired by a reputable diesel injection shop, as the tear down is substantial. I would only have a crack at this job myself, if I had a good detailed workshop manual, and scrupulously clean conditions to work in.
I would suspect that if the pump is leaking at this point now, it will not be long before the front drive hub seal, and transfer pump seals will follow suit. Not a cheap job, sorry to say. Maybe some of the other contributors here, can talk you thru the details involved in replacement of the "O" ring, if a manual is not available.

The brake "squawk" will probably be well worn brake discs. Yes the wheel centres are HEAVY, and the utmost care should be used, if you attempt to remove these by yourself. Two men can handle these easier. A trolley, or cradle arrangement, is the way to go. Once the wheel is clear, an overhead gantry will be handy to lift, remove and support the axle housing, while dismantling the brake assembly.

My bit,
regards, Evan.
Particularly pleased to help with this one. I would agree with Evan, replacement of this seal should not be undertaken without the specific knowledge and conditions to work in. I'm guessing that an overhaul of the pump would cost around $550-600 but look on it as an investment in the tractor.
On the brake side; have you adjusted the brakes up (photo) If there is around two inches or more of rod showing then the friction and intermediate discs will be well worn. Expect to change them and possibly the actuator as well. If the actuator faces are OK and there is no sign of the brake (that you do have) 'grabbing' then you may be OK. Whilst the axle housing is removed it would be advisable to replace the brake rod seal. Its a lot easier now than when fitted. Don't forget new casing O rings.


Reply to both post

Thank Y'all for the very nice reply's. I have sent Gary the link to help answer his questions but we still have a few more questions...

1) going to take it around $600 will get the pump rebuilt at a injector shop,
I have herd of a guy close by that rebuilds them and is good. what can one figure to R&R the pump (Labor),,, worst case the pump may have other issues so whats the worst it may cost...

2) same for the brakes,,, the outer axle seal is leaking on the right side so both sides need to be disassembled resealed, brakes reworked and other ware parts replaced.

I know its difficult to guesstimate the unknown :wink: I usually use a rebuilt are new part as a top figure then the customer knows up front the worst case... Brakes, I believe in doing the job right the first time and taking care of other issues while their. Having a repair that preforms as good as new.

My guess

Pump) 1500.00
brakes) seals etc $1500.00
Total $3000
are lets put it this way $1500 to $3000 depending on what it takes to repair it to perform and give good service...

I am probably going to farm the job out and watch over the repair,,, I just don't have the room are equipment to handle the size of this job,,, my bread and butter is automotive and smaller tractor repair... I have a good friend that is a diesel mechanic and luv's tractors,,, he has the room, equipment and knowledge plus I trust him...

It also needs some other repairs like gauge replacement that is straight forward,,, the only gauge that works is the amp meter, the temp gauge shows hot and the engine is not, the tack does not work etc, its something I can handle.... We have a factory repair manual,,, its a nice tractor that I spec has mowed all its life and I spec will mow and hay the rest of its life.

Thanks again
Hi, I would hope that $2000 would be a realistic price for the job. If the outer oil seal is leaking whoever replaces the seal will require the special MF hydraulic puller to remove the epicyclic hub. Normally only MF dealers can justify these. If you need any more help come back to us.

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