20 acre tractor

How does tilling versus plowing change the organic matter any differently since it has to rot away and once turned under in any method has limited air contact to it? I would probably hire it ripped the first year for less cost than buying the equipment then work it with disc and drag. After the first year it could be nothrilled with least cost for deer feed. As for the garden same thing for first year to make sure of the compaction plow layer deal then just work it like you would for any other garden. Soil test would be more important than tillage.
I don't know how big of a tractor you want, but there is a nice little IH 284 for sale on our local online sales site. I'd like to have it as a little utility tractor around the yard. Might be smaller than you are looking for though.

I have no connection to this tractor, just posted it for information. Also wonder about parts availability since this was a Komatsu and I think the gas engine is Mazda?
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