255 Remotes...PLEASE HELP ASAP!!

Hi All,
I just bought a massey 255 and everything seemed fine 'till now.
I hooked up my haybine and the remotes don't do anything????
I have tried them in about every way I can think of! My hitch works just fine. I have the kind of remotes that work off the lift pump with a diverter block that has 2 hoses and a selector lever. I can tell that changing the lever on the block makes changes in the lift and in one position it sounds like constant pumping.
I did manage to cut one field of hay today without lifting the haybine but it was a mess! I need to cut more tomorrow!! if anyone can help me I would so appreciate it......
Thanks in advance,
Hi Kelly,
As I understand your posting, you have an isolating valve mounted on top of the hydraulic cover with two hoses coming from it. You say your 3-pt works OK. When you select one of the ports and raise the quadrant lever, does one of the hoses go stiff with pressure? If it does then at least you will know that oil is being supplied here. Does your haybine have a single or double acting ram? If it is a single you should be able to control it on the quadrant levers. If you cannot do this then check the couplings to make sure that you have flow through them.
If it is a double acting cylinder you will have to operate it through a seperate control valve.
Davidp, South Wales
To add to David's post, check to see if the male couplers on the haybine are compatible with the female couplers on the tractor. Mis-matched Q.R. couplers can cause restriction, or fail to open suffiently to allow oil flow thru them.
Try this. 1. Put the selector valve in the 3pth. position. 2. Lower the position control lever about 1/4 inch on the quadrant (enough that you can see the lift arms lower slightly). 3. Move the selector valve to the remote position. 4. Move the position control lever to the full up position. 5. Try the remote hydraulics. 6. Let us know what happens.
(quoted from post at 18:43:15 06/07/08) Try this. 1. Put the selector valve in the 3pth. position. 2. Lower the position control lever about 1/4 inch on the quadrant (enough that you can see the lift arms lower slightly). 3. Move the selector valve to the remote position. 4. Move the position control lever to the full up position. 5. Try the remote hydraulics. 6. Let us know what happens.

This did the trick!!! Bob, u da man! I just didn't know what I was doing. HA HA!!
Thanks so much every one for the help!!!
I have been mowing all day and and it sure is nice to be able to lift the haybine! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[b:dae2b989bf]AGAIN...THANKS EVERYONE!!![/b:dae2b989bf]

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