354 turbo question

Our 1105 loves oil like a wino loves booze. I was thinking that the motor was probably just plain worn out and needed rings, sleeves, etc... but a friend of mine who has rebuilt several of these engines told me that a lot of the oil may be going into the turbo. I'm inclined to think that he may be right, because there is a lot of oil on the outside of the turbo. I'm used to smaller, naturally aspirated engines and have never been into a turbo. Is this something I should be wasting my time on?
It sound like the turbo could be the problem. Take the two hoses and adaptor off between the turbo and the intake manifold and if you have a oily intake manifold , the turbo needs to be fixed.
The folks that repair injection pumps usually repair turbos also. I'm 99% sure that you will not have the necessary tools to replace the seal and shaft in the turbo. If you don't have a torch, you will have real difficulty getting the turbo off of the tractor
You might be right about the turbo, like was mentioned it should be easy to check that. You could also have lost tension/bite in the rings. I had a MF 1135 that would use 2-3 qts. per day, ran good and pulled like crazy. I finally got tired of adding oil and put in new rings and after that it would go 100 hrs and still be full. Do check all clearances before you just do rings, you may be needing a complete kit. You have a good engine there and they are not too expensive to OH. and pretty good to work on.
I have a 1135 that guzzels oil also, I have changed the turbo and it did not make a lick of difference. This motor starts good and pulls like a freight train. I can smell blow by but it does not fog, is this how your engine acted?
I didn't even realize I had a book right here. 1105's were turbo'd but about 20 hp less than an 1135. Mexican 1105's were non turbo. Thanks. Dave
Animal; That's pretty much how it was until one fall during tillage the blow by started to get much more significant, that's when I fixed it.
I also have an 1105 that uses a lot of oil and smokes badly. The
engine has no blowby and starts well and has plenty of power. I
replaced the turbo with no effect. The intake manifold is oily, as
was the old turbo. I think a valve job is next.

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