44 A Oil Pressure Gauge and Settings


New User
Hi all, fairly new here, I posted awhile back on getting my 44 A running. Finally got it started this afternoon! It hadn't run in 15-20 years, been working on it since June. Little time here and there between work and young kids finally got it to fire up.

Anyways...on to the question that I have...I installed a new oil pressure gauge JD pn AF-2752-R as per what was subbed out for parts. I worked with a very knowledgeable parts guy (brought out the paper copy of the A parts manual) and we settled on this gauge. Upon start up, the needle is between the 0 pressure and Low. Can anyone tell me what pressure L, M ,H actually are set to on this gauge? If this is not the correct part, please let me know so that I can get the correct one in. If it's correct, I need to adjust my oil pressure. I do understand that putting an actual gauge with numbers on it will tell me what I have but I am having trouble finding one that has low enough readings to be accurate. I am assuming that screwing the bolt in is higher pressure? Approximately how many psi per turn? I currently have 15-40W in the engine. I did extensively flush the crank case, removed and cleaned the oil pump, new filter, etc so should be like new in there. I am planning to run it a little bit and drop all fluids and refill anyways just to get it cleaned out.

Thanks in advance for any help.

This post was edited by JoeR83 on 11/05/2023 at 03:51 pm.
just buy a 30 lb liquid filled gauge . screw it into the oil gallery and then set your pressure, then remove it. that is your master gauge.
you dont need to have the actual j.d. gauge for setting pressure. then go by the j.d. gauge.

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