445 water pump


Well-known Member
Southern MN
I may have asked about this here before-if so, I beg your indulgence. My 445 has been making a squealing noise near the front of the engine. Haven't looked into it a lot yet, but I'm assuming it's probably the water pump, mainly because there's nothing else up there! It has a brand new alternator conversion, so I'm pretty sure it's not that.

My question is--the upper bracket holding the alternator in place (and the generator before that) is fastened to one of the bolts which holds the water pump together. It's the bracket which keeps the belt tight. I loosened the bolt to move the bracket when installing the alternator, and of course it leaked some coolant out. Might that have compromised the water pump? And if I replace the pump, I would have to put that bracket in the same place. I wouldn't want to damage a new water pump. Thoughts?
Same waterpump used on Jet 3 S and U302s. Have alternator but not mounted to waterpump. Separate bracket. Brace for generator used on all to waterpunmp.
My 445 diesel and later 206 diesels had area on top drill and tapped for bracket to sit flush on block. Any with three bolt starter. 1964 and later. Would hold better and would be little stress on wp. Seems to take a strong mount to hold altenator. I stay with generators if equipped.


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My 445 diesel and later 206 diesels had area on top drill and tapped for bracket to sit flush on block. Any with three bolt starter. 1964 and later. Would hold better and would be little stress on wp. Seems to take a strong mount to hold altenator. I stay with generators if equipped.
335,445,4star,jet star,302,js3super all attach to the water pump in the same location. Generator or alternator. They all have the same attachment point on the bottom. Alternator has a different bracket for the bottom. Like the one shown. The top brackets are similar, look the same but the alternator bracket has more offset.
As for your leak. Those bolts don’t touch the water. Loosening that bolt shouldn’t have caused the leak. 3 possible scenarios. Water pump cracked in that location, no gasket between water pump and back plate, or gasket not sealed. Just my opinion.

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