5 Star Drawbar

John Melick

New User
Looking for advice/methods to straighten the drawbar on my 5 Star project. It appears that the tractor rolled over backwards sometime and bent the drawbar approx. 25 degrees off horiz.
Thanks for any help.
How thick?

The drawbar on my first UTS was bent, we straightened in 20 ton press. it was 5/8-3/4" thick.
Thicker may require heat.
Bring it over to schrockys shop or go where someone has a big dozer like his and push down on it with the blade , WOW a powered 50 ton press, seen him do it after pulling TOO HARD
Be carefull pressing on it. Drawbars are hard, and if you dont use heat or push to fast they like to crack. Found out the hard way trying to straighten my 445 drawbar. Nothing a little weld wouldnt fix, but not so fun when 6 guys watch you straighten the bar in the press at work and the next thing you know it is in 3 pieces. They still make fun of me.
If you get in a bind, I think an M5-M602 drawbar will work, but would be thicker is the main thing. I have seen some factory pictures of 5 Stars with a thicker drawbar. I think the 5 Star was 1 or 1 1/4" thick and the M5-M602 was 1 1/2". You would need to replace the front bracket also for a thicker one. The 3pt and non 3pt model (type E)M5-M602 drawbars are different, namely the front hole (slot or round hole). Later M602s just had a round hole, no slot in the drawbars, as the knotches on the support plate were left out from the factory.
(quoted from post at 05:09:25 01/10/09) Looking for advice/methods to straighten the drawbar on my 5 Star project. It appears that the tractor rolled over backwards sometime and bent the drawbar approx. 25 degrees off horiz.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks to all for the suggestions etc. I took the drawbar to a spring shop which had a 100 ton press. They worked the drawbar on the press and all is well. The spring pepole said the drawbar was cast steel and would NOT do well with heat.
Blast 52

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