550 Combine Transmission Input Shaft Loose


We have a 550 with the traction drive. The input shaft is loose enough that the throw out bearing was rubbing on the clutch dust guard. There appears to be about .040" slop. I suspect that the left input shaft bearing is bad.

I think that it is the older style transmission with ball bearings because there does not seem to be any back and forth play.

Do I have to split the trans to get at that bearing? Or can I access it by just taking off the left housing cover? (The plate that the input shaft goes through.)

Also, where is the serial number located on the transmission?


P.S.: I posted this over on the combine forum, I guess I should have put it there in the first place.

Are you sure its the shaft that wobbles?Have had the mainshaft wear down were the rear clutch pulley bearing rides and cause what your describing.Just my experience.
Pretty sure. I have the clutch off and all of the bearings in it and the throw out bearing all seem to be ok. The input shaft definitely is loose.


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