72 Troy Bilt Horse recommended tranny grease

I know in my older 62 model MF, they say it needs mineral oil based gear oils (or GL1) and I didn't know whether the same was recommended for a Troy Bilt made in 1972.
Use GL1 or 3 if you can find it, if not use GL5 and forget about the yellow metal lore. My Troy Bilt Horse has had GL5 90-140 in it since the mid 80s when I didn't know about GL5 disintegrating bronze gears. I drained flushed it the first time and been in it ever since Original gears and bearings and has worn out 6 sets of times.
The ring gear on the tine drive is bronze, not sure of transmission gears. I always use 90W or 90W-140 that is yellow metal safe. Same you'd use in an old N Ford tractor.
Got a 74 model with leaky seals, been using a runny 00 weight grease I get from Tractor Supply.

00 Grease

Edit: The insert link function doesn't seem to be working...or maybe I need more coffee


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This is the mythical "corn head grease" that is often recommended for leaky gearboxes.

If your local store has any, it's by the hitch pins and 3pt parts, not in the oil aisle.
It's just a little more runny than corn head grease......00 weight vs 0 weight for the corn head grease.

I emailed the manufacturer, they replied it did not have any EP additives, so should be safe for yellow metal gears.

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