881 1000rpm PTO shaft success

As many of you remember, a couple of years ago I located and bought a 881 demonstrator. I've been slowly working on restoring it. One of the parts I needed and couldn't locate was the 1000rpm PTO shaft. I mentioned this to a machinist friend of mine and he said he thought he could make one since he had made them for other tractors. I provided him with the extra 540rpm shaft I had for base measurements and within a week he had produced the 1000rpm shaft. Today we removed the original 540 shaft and installed the 1000 shaft and it fit and operated perfectly. Very happy with this result needless to say. The cost wasn't excessive considering the metal needed and it being a custom job. Best thing, 100% American made. I plan to leave the 1000 shaft installed so it will always be clear that it is present. If anyone wants any information reply here or send me an email.
Still a work in progress, slowly getting all the parts, I've tracked down the paint code though I won't probably paint it till next spring. If you need one of those PTO shafts, this guy can make you one.
Did you make it the same length as the original one? I have a 1000 PTO shaft for my 6000, and it won't fit today's 1000 RPM driveline yokes because evidently they made them shorter back in the day.
Thanks, but I don't need a 1000 shaft. I only have 1 deluxe SOS and it's for parts only. It's part of the tractor that axle you got from me is out of. Just glad you were able to get one made.

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