A Saturday video three fer.... featuring the "new" Scout....

Absent Minded Farmer

Well-known Member
Not the new battery Scout that's coming out. The "New for 1960" Scout. (Only guessing on the date, as I don't see any Cub Cadets anywhere. Those hit the market in '61.)

The record for this filmstrip is in decent shape, but has an arced scratch that crosses most of the the grooves on side A at near-parallel. If anyone knows of a place I can send the record to, to get repaired, please let me know. There was a place out in.... Seattle (I think), that would do the job of straightening the grooves, but they seem to have disappeared over the course of the last couple years or they just aren't turning up in a search. It doesn't just need a deep cleaning or to get copied & transferred. Enough of that turns up in my searches & that isn't the only thing needed here. None of those places will touch this job. My only other option would be to send the record off to someone in Rome, Italy to tackle it.

Not really fond of that idea on numerous fronts.

Otherwise.... if someone knows of a neurosurgeon with a microscope, who would like to make a few extra bucks....

Anyhow, enjoy!!

The other two are from the Gehl VHS collection.

The first is on the 70 series round baler & the second covers the early iteration of the Dynalift after Gehl bought the parent company.

Those new Ford Broncos kind of remind me of the old International Scouts.
Ford did good with the new Bronco. I hope VW Group does the same with the new Scout.

Ford didn't do the best job with their first retro styled car.

I remember seeing the new, 2002 T-bird at the auto show in Milwaukee & feeling a bit confused.


It didn't look like a T-bird at first. Thought it was more like a Corvette. A few of the Ford event staff at the show were a bit amused with my findings.



I had a Ford military GPW as an irrigation rig. Later bought a IHC Scout. It rusted out bad. Then I got an early Ford Bronco, both used. The GPW out lasted both. My B-I-L had a 1980 Scout and it rusted badly and fell apart pretty quick. I had the early 2 door Chevy Tracker for a few years. I liked it, gave it to my daughter when she started driving. She had it for nearly 15 years. I would like to see a small retro Scout ICE or hybrid rig. Not ready for EV YET....James
I had a Ford military GPW as an irrigation rig. Later bought a IHC Scout. It rusted out bad. Then I got an early Ford Bronco, both used. The GPW out lasted both. My B-I-L had a 1980 Scout and it rusted badly and fell apart pretty quick. I had the early 2 door Chevy Tracker for a few years. I liked it, gave it to my daughter when she started driving. She had it for nearly 15 years. I would like to see a small retro Scout ICE or hybrid rig. Not ready for EV YET....James
VW is planning on using the Scout as a base platform for a series of different vehicles. Kind of like what IH did toward the end with the Scout Terra, but make a SUV or a MPV or UTV or whatever other letters they come up with....


It will be interesting to see, with all the options, if they will issue one that's a hybrid.

Mahindra (IHC India) built a Willy's Jeep clone with a diesel engine. The early ones looked good but Jeep sued and they had to change the look. They were never built for highway use in the U.S. More like a side by side....James
My 62 Scout is my only plow vehicle for many years,if they would have had a better sales system they might have lasted a lot longer in the market, they were tough built vehicles. The Ford Bronco was almost a direct copy of the Scout but Ford had better marketing, I have owned both and I prefer the Scout for toughness and the body has lasted longer on my Scout than it did on my 66 Bronco.

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