A Very Sincere Thanks To EVERYONE here on Case Forum

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well, I survived my stay ant the "Holliday Inn Express" and graduated with a CSR diploma. (Crazy Stuborn Redneck). They stuck me into a huge cloths dryer, a culvert pipe, put slime on a sensor and looked between my ribs, and then went on a wheel chair ride under the street to another building where another guy smeared more slime on my neck and I got to see and hear weird sights and sounds from my inner body.(I gusss it's a good thing that I didn't fart in any of these tests). That could have distorted the results, HeHe. Anyway, after a day of fun and games and redundant questioning from the A team and B team, as this is a teaching Hospital, all I could do was wait for the results. Had a bit of a problem understanding the B team inturns. One was a young gal from Russia, and no she didn't have hairy armpits, and her partner was a south asian beauty. I was having a hard time understanding their questions, and they didn't understand my Redneck humor, but I had a good time playing pady cake with them as they ckecked my physical dextarity after my last stroke.
I'm sure that you all know that when you are in a hospital, they want to make sure that you never forget your birth date, by repeating it over and over again. I was in the ER during a shift change, and at the time I had the RN's and others trained as to my birth date, but when the new shift started checking on me I changed my birth date to 2/31/47.the young ones asked again with??? and I laughed and told them my real date. One veteran nurse looked at me with a glare and said to get out and come back after your born. We had a good laugh.
On a more serious note, they said I have had 3 strokes. I have been telling my regular GP that I feel much better when my BP is in the 160-180 zone on the high side, but he insisted that was too high,so I was taking his prescribed meds to drop it. When I walked out I am on asprin and a one a day BP med. I was taking 6 pills a day before. My colestoral was never a problem, as we live primarly off our garden and unprocessed native meat.
The Pic I took last evening best describes how I am doing at the moment. Partly cloudy with a undefined line going crosswise.
Thank you again, for your well wishes and prayers. This old dog still has a few pesky wabbits to run yet.
Good to hear from you neighbor. (Even though I have to migrate to the "other" orange to find out what"s going on)! So now what? I hope all that testing can do more than tell the past!
I think it great your back home and can maintain a good sence of humor through this situation. A good attitude is great medicine. The syrup is a hit with the family. My son is 30 yr younger than I, we have the same name, I love to give the hospital and clinics his birthdate as it is on record. You should see the look on some of their faces, LOL, Rod.
Glad to read your postings again. I wish you the very best. Take care of yourself. Looking forward to more of your pics soon.Kow Farmer (Kurt)
Well, if God wanted you up there He would have taken you. Obviously He just wanted to get you in and do a REAL tune up on you and straighten some things out. He knows there's still plenty of Case dummies like me down here depending on you yet. Glad you're back , Loren!! RB
Glad you called during you trip back from Florida. Hope you get loaded easily on Ohio and the trip goes well back to the home 20 for Easter.
Hope your wife has a speedy recovery from her problems. It's hard to deal with that kind of pain. My thoughts are with the two of you.
Hi Loren, glad to see you back. I really enjoy your Case wisdom and stories. For being a young Case guy I can appreciate learning a lot of about other Cases and company history.

Kenny F.
Glad to hear you got it. I had it packed and told my cousin to get it sent out. Now you can put it on those pannicakes you have been talking about.

Glad to hear your progressing!
You"ve been in my thoughts.
At my routine heart test in Jan. I was told that I had had a heart attack in the last year.
Had no Idea other then feeling medium crappy all the time .Now I am on many pills and still feeing medium crappy lol.
Good luck and get well this forum needs you.
It has been froze up for near 2 weeks. We got back at it today. Buckets were half full or better, but half of that was ice. We dumped that on the ground, and took the liquid to the saphouse. It tested 4.5% sugar so it will boil down quick, but may make dark amber syrup.



I am glad you are back with us here! I live vicariously through your pictures and wish I had that lifestyle of making a living off of the land and working for yourself outside!
Time will tell. All I can do is try the changes. Both uncles have been layed up also. Kerm has had a knee replacement, and having some issues with that, and Myron was in the hospital with issues a few days before me. We were all in Bassett, and strangly we were all asigned to the third floor and put in room 324, me in B the window side ,they were in A the hallway side. I guess 324 is the Fassett condo. HeHe.
Wellcome Back! I had a turn in the culvert about a year ago, results: "You had a stroke sometime in your life." No idea when or if it did anything. My Wife claims otherwise!
Hand in there!
Glad to have you back, was starting to miss your humor and wisdom. We did an over night and a day at the hospital couple months ago with the 4 yr old, got sick then dehydrated. Nothing worse than someone bothering you at all hours of the night checking this and that. Take care of yourself. Scott
Great news, Loren. Now, kick back and take it a little easier than usual. Try doing the work of only 2 mere mortals, instead of three... :)
Behave yourself!! Got the package over the weekend,; "check is in the mail". You"ve heard that before!! Get strong.

Hopefully you can get your medication straightened out and start feeling better. Good health is a great gift that you don"t realize until you don"t have it anymore. Those years have sure creeped up on us Case guys. Don
Loren - Glad you're ok. Better listen to the doctor,I come to really enjoy your posts. Love your home,farm and property -you live how I would have liked to live if I could have.
Loren glad all is getting better for you its your humor that really gets a guy going, we have a saying by us that if the big guy would want us he would let us know to not buy green bananas, so keep it going now you will be ready for spring.

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