Allis Chalmers Golf Cart


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I own a 1955 Allis Chalmers 36 volt electric golf cart. I has been modified by removal of the rely electrical speed control with a variable speed control and an on-board charger. It has a tilt steering wheel and newly re-upholstered seats. It was repainted several years ago with fiberglass body works. I am curious as to what its value might be. I have pictures that I can attach.



[i:9cc74a3b12]Welcome Aboard![/i:9cc74a3b12]

That's a cool piece. I had no clue those were produced. I've worked with A-C farm and lawn implements, A-C HV and MV switchgear (now Siemens), large electric motors, and A-C stationary generators, but I don't know if I've ever seen one of those.

I have no idea of the value, but judging by the price of other brands of carts, and the potential rarity of that one, it may have good value. The internet does show some examples, however.

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