Another Mercury Jigsaw


Well-known Member
I never get tired of the 52 Merc and have probably posted similar jigsaws before. Its one of my favourite spots for a photo beside the century shack and the 15-30 McCormick Deering. Its from a few years ago but nothing much has changed except the front fenders and hood. 108 pieces in 12:41.
Merc and McCormick


  • Merc and McCormick.Jigsaw.JPG
    Merc and McCormick.Jigsaw.JPG
    106.9 KB · Views: 82
I always enjoy your Mercury posts, the still photos, the photo chases over your property, every has one of them. One of the last cars my Grandpa had was a Mercury maybe a couple years older than yours. I was just a very young squirt so the pictures in my mind are of a white one that always seemed to find a candy store or an ice cream shop whenever I rode with him. Thanks again!
Thanks, good to hear the jigsaws are of interest to some. I never get tired of the Merc. I'm a little tired of winter though. Been a couple of months since I've had the Merc out for a drive. Blizzard conditions today so I'll post one from nicer weather.

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