Average age of user

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I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.
Incase anyone hadnt seen you should be able to select your age range in the pole and hit submit. It will show you the spread of votes in each catagory.
I know i could have narrowed the range of age but i was just trying to figure the feature out and wasnt trying to collect science grade data, im a tractor collecter not a phd holder. 😀
62. Joined the site 14 years ago but never really visited this particular forum until the recent format change and went to the John Deere forum almost daily. However, I'm going to speak a little bit of honesty. Even though I'm on the upwind side of 60, when I first began visiting here it definitely had an old man flavor to it. There were multiple posts complaining about the change in format, with a lot of them wanting things to change back to the way they were. With an artificial knee and a pacemaker, I'm definitely not one of those who swallow the "60 is the new 40" garbage, but even I found that to be off putting, especially the "change it back or I'm leaving" comments, so I can only imagine how that came across to the guys (or gals) in their 20's, 30's or 40's. This was something I never once got in all the years of viewing the JD forum, in fact, unless someone alluded to their age, you never really knew how old they were.

I bring this up because it has been suggested that the reason for the older age of the forum members is that there is a lack of interest by young people in the vintage of equipment that we are interested in. I simply do not see that across the hobby, quite the opposite in fact. In the world of JD collecting, the older tractors are great for starting collectors because they are relatively cheap and simple to work on and parts are readily available. You can get a running B for $1200 or less, while a 3010, 4010, 3020 or a 4020 may cost you 10 times that much. My experience has shown a good mix across the ages where the love of the equipment erases difference of age. In fact, there seems a sense of urgency on behalf of the younger collectors to extract as much knowledge as they can from those who worked with these tractors before the march of time catches up with them.

A forum is what the members make it. If it is a group of old duffers posting about their interests and concerns, then that is fine, but realize those interests and concerns may not be the same as those of younger people.
Well said sir!
I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.
79 in a couple of weeks. Been on here 30 years or so even though it says I joined in 2007. Before that I was RogerinIowa with no spaces.

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