Average age of user

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I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.
I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.
Started on my 85th year today.
65 and dad is 91. I believe you need to loo at a higher age for your poll or it will be off by a bit. More like an average of closer to 75.
I dont remember who posted a few days ago but some one made a comment on the age of the user of this forum. I am guessing the average age is fairly people who grew up using these tractors. But i though it was a good excuses to figure out the poll feature. Poll closes in a week.

Several years ago someone did a similar survey, have the average age changed much since then?
72 going on 85. Arthritis is taking the fun out of being older for me. I could be the poster old man for what not to do when you are young or you will regret it someday. Often times when I'm at a Drs office or store and a pretty young gal asks if she can do anything else for me, I reply; If you could make me 50 years younger, I promise I'll take better care of myself. But they always say; sorry, can't help you with that.

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