Beginner - Considering buying first tractor

I enjoy every minute of mowing with that b. It has about 2
acres to do. So sub acre with a cub or pony is not one bit over
kill. Sub acre also could use the smaller zero turns that cost a
lot seems like 60 inches and up is where they get
really stupid you could end up with both!
Cutting grass isn't a race for me. I really enjoy sitting on an old Cub a puttering along. Smiling and waving at folks driving by. If I want to race I will go to Talladega or Indy! Sometimes slowing down is good for a person. Calms the soul...
Thanks it is a woods l306 that was setup for a Allis charmers c that I just changed some mounts and took a couple trys buying belts. It works pretty good for the lawn but long grass you are better off going to get something with some more power. I am also looking for something smaller to pair with it because it isnt as nimble as Id like. Works good for open areas and covers ground pretty good and sips fuel compared to the super c. I can also stand up and stretch with the hand clutch and bumps dont bother in the yard since the tires are big. It seems like there arent many super small tricycle tractors. I was thinking a John Deere mt or its offspring but I think thats foot clutch... A green h is also tempting. Sorry for the long reply post he is just looking for something similar to what I am searching for. In my case a tricycle farmall cub with belly mower
Are you going to do other things, plow snow, rototill a garden besides mow lawn. Maybe a large lawn tractor with attachments otherwise you
can't beat a smaller zero turn to mow lawn. However, I use a 70hp tractor to mow our 3 acres with a 7 ft finish mower.
And yesterday a ZTR was mowing across the street from my apartment and
sounded like a jet plane, so noisy to disturb any neighbors.
(quoted from post at 10:53:57 10/26/23) And yesterday a ZTR was mowing across the street from my apartment and
sounded like a jet plane, so noisy to disturb any neighbors.

What make, model and state of repair was this zero turn ? My wife complains now that she does not know where I am or what I am doing on the JD Z530R with the 60" deck . As the machine is so quiet .
(quoted from post at 18:57:34 10/28/23) Follow-up question: which tractors have the tightest turning radius (excluding zero-turns and pan tractors)?

Narrow front tractors turn much sharper than standard wide fronts. When using one brake they can turn pretty much within their own length.


I figured that narrow-front tractors would be more capable of tighter turns. How do the fare on hills, however? We have got a gentle-moderate incline in the back part of the yard, and I wouldn t want to unduly risk a rollover.
(quoted from post at 16:34:48 10/29/23)
I figured that narrow-front tractors would be more capable of tighter turns. How do the fare on hills, however? We have got a gentle-moderate incline in the back part of the yard, and I wouldn t want to unduly risk a rollover.

NFE tractors are slightly more likely to tip. However, remember that your front axle on wide front tractors pivots. A rear tire can easily come off the ground on a side slope before the pivot stop engages, and by then it may be too late to stop the roll. The key is to familiarize yourself with operation on a side slope. Some ballast down low, and setting the rear tires out a little will enhance stability.

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