New 500 HP fendt
Nice. I wonder if they'll have one at the open house ride and drive at the new Challenger/Fendt dealer here this month?
and it must undergo 25,000 hours of testing before we can buy it! Just two prototypes built so far. Doesn't Fendt know that I need it now?
If they do I hope you go and let us know how it looks in person ! It has bigger front tires than the 8000 series john deeres do on the rears I remember thinking they were big tractors they make bigger lawn mowers anymore .
How much will it go for? And I need someone to do the arithmetic and show me how the cost is justified against a beat up 1370 that has lots of guts left.
I would not know what to do with the thing.
Cost probably more than a decent farm. :shock:
Maybe they will have it at the Farm Progress Show next year in Decatur. Kevin Bein used to be the head of Fendt but now is over Gleaner combines. If I win the lottery, I might buy that after my new Peterbilt.
I was wondering the same thing. The $1000/hp might be a pretty good guide.
Would not want to try to pay for it with sub $4.00 corn.
LOL green and red. SIL showed me a video on his phone of a tractor hauling 12 rnd bales at once with 4 up front and 8 in the rear. Couldn't tell what kind of tractor it was.
normal farmers will never get 50 years of work out of that monstrosity on a normal farm , this is a prediction imho ..... the norm will be a large tax rite off for whom ever buys that jinx , one year (if they are lucky) of trouble free use ...followed by serveral years of confusing and frustrating automatic shut downs for the craziest reasons that will drive any seasoned mechanic to near suicde trying to figure it out... modern b/s tractors make great shop tractors ... finally sold for a pentance at bankruptcy auction, to be parted out , or to drive some young dreamer mechanic nutz ...
Why would you want 50 years out of it. The damn thing will be obsolete in 10 years and probably have 15000 hours on it by then. Most of them quite trouble free as well if it's like all the rest that Fendt builds..


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