Blocking replies to Similar threads


Well-known Member
Not sure if this the place to voice my opinion about Similar threads from 10 years ago showing up on top of the pile.
I noticed on one of the Similar threads today, you blocked adding more comments.
I would send you a big box of Chocolate if ALL Similar threads would not show up on top of the pile,
If this isn't the place for this post, please delete it.
Please email me your address to send the Chocolates to and the link to Amazon for your favorite candy.
Not sure if this the place to voice my opinion about Similar threads from 10 years ago showing up on top of the pile.
I noticed on one of the Similar threads today, you blocked adding more comments.
I would send you a big box of Chocolate if ALL Similar threads would not show up on top of the pile,
If this isn't the place for this post, please delete it.
Please email me your address to send the Chocolates to and the link to Amazon for your favorite candy.
Thanks for your comments, Geo. Chocolate isn't something I indulge in, but thank you for your generous offer! :)

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