C allis photo

No picture but it bolts up with a bolt/pin set up. Pin holds the draw bar on and the bolt hold the pin bracket on. The whole set up is about 2X4 inches or so. To explain it better I would have to look at one of my Cs and then go from there or maybe even take a pictures of it. Drop me an e-mail if you still want a picture and I'll see what I can do
Hobby farm


thanks for the photos guys.what i am actually wanting to look at is that tongue section on the draw bar dick l. first photo almost shows it all. his shows the side mounts on top of drawbar not underneath then about the mid section the swing loop mounted over or under? i say over like the farmalls buddy says not so
The swinging drabar was an option and not on all B's or C's. The same swinging drawbar was used on both the B's and C's.
They slide over the top to carry the weight. The swinging drawbars on my tractors that go under have a roller that is on top to carry the weight.

thanks again for the info. by the photo we see that neither one had it exactly right.not too many old allis tractors around our area anymore as a boy in the 60s there were several.had a dealer about 15 miles down road seems like he hung on till mid-late 70s.farmers got newer & bigger equip.sold out or died off
hey dick L
how will the swining drawbar be affected if its bolted on "upside down" of how you have your bolted on? i had to bolt mine under the drawbar due to the 3 point being in the way. thanks
I cant see how it would not work just as well. If you were using it to pull combine or even a loaded manure spreader the weight would be on the bolts. If a bolt would come out for some reason it would have to be repaired before going on. With the drawbar on top you would not be stopped if the bolts and bracket fell all the way off. I wouldn't worry about it if that is what is needed.

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