caffiene allergy


Well-known Member
Hey folks,
any of these look familiar??? Used to drink gallons of coffee just because I like the taste. Never kept me awake (usually made me drowsy). FF and the last several years, only drink a cup or two on Sat or Sun morning and always felt funny afterwards but associated it with too much protien....... Told the doc about it and he said try leaving out different things. Wife and I only have breakfast together on the weekends so always just enjoyed the moment and paid for half day or so afterwards. We went to Bfast one day at a restaurant and I got decaf coffee by mistake. Felt fine afterwards. Stopped drinking coffee for several weeks and had about a half cup of normal coffee. Within 10 minutes I was yawning, clammy, and just feeling lousy for 6 or so hours... and didn't even feel like driving my TRACTOR..... Just thought I'd share......

Most Common Allergic Reactions to Caffeine
Skin problems such as hives, eczema, rashes, acne, severe itching.
Headaches/ migraines.
Anxiety and panic attacks.
Can’t focus or concentrate
Tongue, glands, or throat swelling.
Heart racing/ palpitations.
Angry, irritable, bad mood.
Extreme jitters.
Chest Pain.
Numbness in face, hands, or feet.
Muscle pain.
Shortness of breath/ tightness of chest.
Delusions/ hallucinations.
Flu/ cold like symptoms.
Vision problems.
Cold sweats.
Eyes swollen shut.
I have always had stomach problems. Never felt really good. I finally got an allergy test after 76 years. Insurance and medicare doesn't pay anything on it. It cost me $600. To make a long story short, I was allergic to 26 different foods. I had been eating oatmeal with blueberries on it,(good for colestrol) drinking cranberry juice(good for kidneys) and coffee. Test showed that I am extremely allergic to oats, cranberries, blueberries, coffee,yeast and vinegar. Good things can kill you.
Funny thing is not having your caffiene will cause the same symptoms. I reckon some bodies need it & some don't. Go figure.

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