Chrysler Files For Chapter 11


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Chrysler Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

By STEPHEN MANNING and TOM KRISHER, Associated Press Writers

44 mins ago

WASHINGTON(AP) – Chrysler LLC filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday and will form an alliance with the Italian carmaker Fiat Group SpA in an effort to revive the nation's ailing third-largest automaker.

The external_link administration said it had long hoped to stave off bankruptcy, but it became clear that a holdout group of creditors wouldn't budge on proposals to reduce Chrysler's $6.9 billion in secured debt. Clearing those debts was a needed step for Chrysler to restructure by a government-imposed Thursday deadline.

"No one should be confused about what a bankruptcy process means," President Barack external_link said in a midday announcement. "This is not a sign of weakness but rather one more step on a clearly chartered path to Chrysler's revival."

Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York on Thursday with the hopes of emerging in as little as 60 days under the new partnership with Fiat. The government, which has already poured $4 billion in loans into Chrysler, would provide up to $8 billion more to carry the company through bankruptcy, said senior administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity. The government will also help appoint a new board of directors.

The deals give Chrysler "a new lease on life," external_link said.

"This is not a sign of weakness," he said. "I have every confidence that Chrysler will emerge from this process stronger and more competitive."

Under bankruptcy, Chrysler would still sell cars and the government would back its auto warranties. But Chrysler said Thursday that it will idle its plants during the legal proceedings. The company's chief executive, Robert Nardelli, said he will leave when the bankruptcy is complete.

When that occurs, the Auburn Hills, Mich.-based automaker would end up owned by the United Auto Workers union, the U.S. government and Fiat. The Canadian and Ontario governments, which are also contributing financing, would have small stakes.

But Fiat, which the external_link administration hopes can jump start Chrysler with its fuel-efficient and lower-emission technology, could end up the majority stakeholder. Fiat would initially get 20 percent, a share that could rise to 35 percent if certain benchmarks are met. Fiat said Thursday it could get an additional 16 percent by 2016 if Chrysler's U.S. government loans are fully repaid.

external_link said Chrysler Financial, the arm of the company that makes loans to buyers and to dealers to finance their inventories, will be merged into GMAC Financial Services, once General Motors Corp.'s finance arm. The new GMAC will get government support. Chrysler's base of dealers would also be pared down.

The Treasury Department's auto task force has been racing in the past week to clear the major hurdles that prevented Chrysler from coming up with a viable plan to survive the economic crisis ravaging nation's automakers.

Along with the Fiat deal, the UAW ratified a cost-cutting pact Wednesday night.

Treasury reached a deal earlier this week with four banks that hold the majority of Chrysler's debt in return for $2 billion in cash.

But the administration said about 40 hedge funds that hold roughly 30 percent of that debt also needed to sign on for the deal to go through. Those creditors said the proposal was unfair and they were holding out for a better deal.

"I don't stand with them," external_link said.

A person briefed on Wednesday night's events said the Treasury Department and the four banks tried to persuade the hedge funds to take a sweetened deal of $2.25 billion in cash. But in the end, this person said most thought they could recover more if Chrysler went into bankruptcy and some of its assets were sold to satisfy creditors. This person asked not to be identified because details of the negotiations have not been made public.

On Thursday, a group of funds identifying themselves as 20 of Chrysler's "non-TARP lenders" released a statement saying they had been sidelined during negotiations between lenders and the government. The group, which said it holds $1 billion in Chrysler debt, complained that the four banks were "obviously conflicted" because they had accepted money from the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program while they had not gotten TARP money.

The group said its offer to the Treasury Department to reduce its claim to 40 percent was "flatly rejected or ignored."

Fiat is getting its stake in Chrysler for giving the company access to its fuel-efficient technology, a move toward cleaner cars that the external_link administration thinks is critical to Chrysler's future survival. The company has committed to building Fiat cars in Chrysler factories, to be sold as Chryslers.

external_link's auto task force in March rejected Chrysler's restructuring plan and gave it 30 days to make another effort, including a tie-up with Fiat.

Chrysler's bankruptcy filing said it owes more than $10 million apiece to 20 of its unsecured creditors, many of whom are vendors and suppliers.

At the top of that list were: Ohio Module Manufacturing Co. ($70.3 million), BBDO Detroit Inc. ($58.1 million), Johnson Controls Inc. ($50.3 million), Continental Automotive ($47 million), Cummins Engine Co. ($43.9 million) and Germany-based Germersheim Spare Parts ($36.2 million).


AP Auto Writer Tom Krisher reported from Detroit. AP Business Writer Vinnee Tong in New York contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Notice how one of the biggest creditors is BBDO - a large accounting and consulting firm? Want to bet they will get a bigger % of their money than the people who actually made parts for Chrysler?
Imagine that CEObama, Fiat and the UAW are going to run Chrysler now, anyone care to guess how fast it fails? Unless of course the government makes it an expensive "make work" project.

I bet it was a hard decision - resist bankruptcy and get nothing or take bankruptcy and get paid 8 billion dollars - wonder how long they thought before jumping on that one?
After my experiences in the parts business, I think this is the death knell for Chrysler. Personally, I wouldn't buy a car from a company whose warranty program is administered by Fiat, even if it IS "backed" by the US government. Fiat has yet to figure out how to build a car that will sell in the American market.

And we all know that the reason that Italian manufacturers aren't known for making wristwatches is that they haven't found a way to make a wristwatch leak oil yet.
Hard to say, but the Fiat ownership of CNH ag equipment has been a pretty good deal for CNH. Atleast a lot better than they did under Tennico.

I think bankruptcy was the only good and fair way to do it. After what appears to have happened with the GM deal, I would not consider investing any money in bonds from a US company.
The deal of giving the Government 50% 0f GM, the UAW 39% and the bond owners 10% while they had by far the most money invested, seems like robbery.
And the bond holder being robbed by government proposal goes to bankruptcy court and gets his security interest upheld by bankruptcy judge following law. Some of the big bond holder are 401K (now 301K)administrators - the government proposal of swapping secured bond debt for unsecured stock share puts retirement plans of many at high risk. Bankruptcy court may give hedge funds less, stock holder much less than secured bond holder who would not get big share of profit like risk taking stockholders and venturous hedge fund- this is established bankruptcy law- same as Airlines have gone through to reorganize. RN.
When a company is in a reorganization, the people who put in new money get ownership. In this case that's you and me and our kids and grandkids. The former bondholders' money was already lost, right after the former stockholders' money was lost. If the bondholders didn't like the deal they could have stopped it. Apparently they thought it was their best bet to salvage something.
Chrysler as we know it, is finished. Probably soon to be followed by GM, once the all knowing Big Gov gets done dictating what kind of cars they should be building. They will be putting out these little sh!tboxes that nobody wants. But of course a whole lot of our money, through our taxes, will be flushed down the crapper with them. That's ChangeYouCanBelieveIn.
The UAW owning a car company? This should be fun to watch.

And then throw in FIAT? Fix It Again Tony!

And the Government is going to back the warranties? What joke. Just go to a VA hospital to see how that is going to work!!
Yup...I remembered that they were an ad agency that I read about in a book entitled "Down The Tube," by Terry Galanoy [1970], which was required reading for an advertising/journalism class I took in college about 35 years ago.
Does this mean the union can give themselves raises? How long do you have to wait after filing chapter 11 to file chapter 11 again?

Something tells me the union is going to get in our back pockets big time.
I'm hoping they find a way to hang in, I love our Durango and plan on getting another if they keep making them.
I really like their 300, too.
That was my thought. I can just see contract negotiations between the UAW and, well, the UAW. They should sell tickets to that circus.

Wealth redistribution at it's finest. Hold onto your hats folks. We're going to be taken for a ride.
The unions have been in our pockets for years already.
If the Davis Bacon act were repealed, the unions would wither faster than they already are.
Our tax dollars carry them.
Must be a first, taxpayers provide 8 billion to help a corporation through bankrupts. Just points out the high cost of doing business. I’ll bet not everyone who bankrupts in the next 4 years gets help.
Going to be taken for a ride? He!!, We're flying down the road, throttle stuck wide open and NO BRAKES. What a mess.
What Pisse$ me off the most about these auto bankruptcies is that the Debt holders are viewed by the media as evil entities. The bond holders are the bank that loaned the money to allow the company to continue to operate. The bond holders are supposed to get interest paid on their bonds that they hold. AND---Bond holders are to be paid first in any bankruptcy.......Period.

GM stock is being destroyed by the government and the executives and the UAW losers have been wrecking GM for decades. It makes me sick.
Dont understand it its not like anybody bought cars from people who bombed Pearl Harbor.Just cant figure it out.
Of the two 3 Chrysler brands, Chrysler , Dodge and jeep, I think Dodge and Jeep might split. I don't know if mopar is a entity, but if it is, they might go with dodge and jeep(If they split off).
If I remember correctly , back in the late 60's and 70's weren't Fiat cars about the biggest bunch of junk ever imported to the US.What is happening to our country?
The government is sinking a lot more than the $12B this article implies.

The $6.9B in secured debt, plus another $4B in unsecured debt is almost certainly insured, which will default and the government will pay (less the $2B gift they already paid out). Then there's $8B in loans to the new company, plus another $4.6B in loans to the UAW's healthcare pension fund.

All this to a company which will be 55% owned by the UAW, despite them not investing a dime. I'm glad external_link assured us that he's not a commie.
I could care less that they went bankrupt, it"s having the Gov"t involved (Socialism/) and the Unions (Organized crime) involved that bothers me. This is bad news.
Gun Guru, you are mistaken. This is black letter law: "During bankruptcy, bondholders will stop receiving interest and principal payments, and stockholders will stop receiving dividends."

Also Bond holders ARE NOT paid first in bankruptcy. Secured creditors are paid 1st. Unsecured creditors (bond holders are one of several unsecured creditors) are paid 2nd.

Maybe knowing the facts will make you less pi$$ed off.
"Maybe knowing the facts will make you less pi$$ed off."

I wouldn't bet the farm on it. Some folks just won't let the facts stand in the way of a good rant.
Yea thats why I don't buy cars made North of the Mason Dixon Line. Stories in my family about how the Yankees in the War of Northern Aggression raped the sheep and stole the horses for us here in the South
It has everything to do with union construction.
Most people don't even realize they subsidize union construction just because the government says they have to.
No other reason.
Now it's the same with the auto workers.
So tell me again how they are unrelated.
I'm not trying to critisize here but I am wondering. How many people on here who are complaining about what the government is doing are doing something more than typing on here and talking to your friends about it? What i mean is how many are calling /emailing/ writing congressmen, representatives, the President, etc?

I admit I have been real lax in that in the past but I have started doing it more. Might not do any good but it's about all you can do until election time. Unfortunatly for the most part the ones I have written to have not relied which to me means they aren't listening. But at least they do know how I feel.

Maybe if enough people did that and they were looking at losing their job the might use some common sense. Our Senator voted on the budget that involves borrowing 1/3 of the money in it which makes no sense when we're so far in debt anyway. Needless to say he will not get my vote this time.

But I guess my point is as I told some guys t work the other day who were standing complaining, :Sitting here talking to each other isn't getting anything done about the problems. Kinda like preaching to the choir. Tell other people, have them call or write the representatives and stuff. It's gotta start somewhere...
You know what's funny about what you just said? When it goes awry, when it comes to contract renewel time, who will the UAW membership blame then? Themselves? We evil taxpayers?

I've got a couple of Cummins Dodge pickups, owned Dodges for years. I sure hope Cummins finds something else to put their 5.9's into because my days of owning a new Chrysler product are over. They and GM can close their plants down and turn them into homeless shelters for the UAW membership and our DC political hacks.

Something else too...after what was said about the hedge funders today by our president, anyone in the private sector stupid enough to get involved with our politicians, our government, our president like over those toxic loans now called "Legacy Investments" needs to have their heads examined. To get involved with someone, anyone that has a record of changing the rules of the card game in the middle of a hand, several hands at that, and bad mouthing you as they do it, foolish. Very foolish.

Remender the Yugo (a Yugoslavin built Fiat)? That's what the socialist-in-charge and his abundant tree hugging friends hope we'll be driving.
"some folks just won't let the facts get in the way of a good rant" That's for sure! My sister emailed me about a Rush Limbaugh statement. According to her Rush said "UAW retirees have a utopian retirement where they receive about the same compensation as when they were working". This is a case of your statement about not letting facts get in the way of a good rant. Mr. Know It All doesn't have a clue.
Obammie said he thought the public should have a chance to buy up those toxic assets and make some profit on them.
I fell out of my chair laughing at the stupid SOB
Can't wait to see the UAW attempt to run a car company, after all, the UAW is to blame for sinking the American auto companies.
He did promise to redistribute wealth. Looks like he's keeping his word. $O investment by the UAW or Fiat. GM is next. I wonder where I sign up? I'd prefer a gold mine, diamond mine or a high quality cat house to a car manufacturer......
From what I understand Cerberus Capital that is the present owner of Chrysler also owns 50% of GMAC stock. They are coming out a winner no matter what.
Yes lets get rid of the unions so we can go back to working long shifts in unsafe working conditions for poor wages and no benifits. You are right people should be used and used up.
That "$0 investment by the UAW" probably relates to the UAW taking over Chrysler's FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS to the retirement fund. Must be nice to be able to turn your debt into worthless stock, and then consider that debt "paid in full." UAW had to take it, but the bondholders didn't...and that's why they're in Chapter 11, because the bondholders had a choice and said NO. UAW didn't have a choice.
Name me just ONE vehicle marketed in the US by Renault that was worth owning...just one.

Betcha can't name even one.
I am a 50 yrs mechanic. i would NEVER own a european vehicle myself. i did and regret it.

But i will say the dodge mini van and the dodge truck is world class. I have had wonderful luck with them.
I thought the Davis Bacon act specified "workers must be paid prevailing wage".

I remember that the contracts had that wording, with the local prevailing wages for each craft listed right in the contract. The prevailing wage always conveniently matched the current union scales for our area.

We sometimes had non-union contractors, and had to diligently check to affirm that the workers were paid the prevailing wage.


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