Computer software outdated.


Well-known Member
Well I pulled up my internet banking account and found some really crazy things on site...had never seen such before. I made an appointment with a bank employee and she said that my software was too old to interface with their bank's software/iternet convenience. I have a couple of imacs and they are dated. I tried to get upgrades on both of them and apple said forget it. I really enjoy the convenience of being able to do my banking and monitoring from my home but that seems to be a thing of the past.

Welcome any solutions you folks may have mastered to solve this problem. I'm not into fancy phones (yet) as I use a flip phone and it works (used to work) for me.....nothing like planned obsolescence. Sign of the times.
Either a new modern phone, or a new modern computer, if no updates for the OS are available. It might be possible to update the browser software, but I am not at all familiar with Apple stuff.
Gee whiz. Its just like this hay mess I had out in the pasture...too much rain and had a bumper crop...needed to get it off the field otherwise I don't know how I would handle the mess. Had some complications, but the weather was sorta nice....nice enough I guess and got it baled....quality and feed-ability is questionable right now but that's not important...will look at that later, may not be a problem...getting it off the field is what needed to happen and it did.

So I did some browsing around and the vintage of Apple OSX that the bank needed was 14. The only computer that would accept Apple upgrades was issue 10 but it would allow me to download version 13.2. The 14 had to have 13+ to be installed.........sooooo it looks like I finish downloading 13 and then go after just have to keep tweaking things and not taking no for an answer......when its prudent.
Thanks for letting us know the progress on this. Seems as if you are going in the right direction, computer wise.

Decent weather helps the hay; both growing and getting it into the barn! zuhnc
I loaded a linux operating system called zorin (version 16) onto an older windows laptop and it's been flawless for a couple years now. Can you do anything like that? (I have no idea what you can do with mac's)

I should mention I do everything I need to do with this computer (bill paying, financials, purchases, mail, forums, etc.) except my taxes. Need Windows for that.
According to the Internet Linux is excellent choice for 2013 and older Apple/Mac. I like less bells and whistles,so I use LXDE interface. Works good if you don't have lots of RAM. My first computer was a Mac. Did not have a HD. OS was on floppy as I remember. That was a long time ago. Have fun.
Linux is a easy way to revive an old Windows laptop. There are versions of Linux that will on install on Macs, but I don't know much about them.
Well I pulled up my internet banking account and found some really crazy things on site...had never seen such before. I made an appointment with a bank employee and she said that my software was too old to interface with their bank's software/iternet convenience. I have a couple of imacs and they are dated. I tried to get upgrades on both of them and apple said forget it. I really enjoy the convenience of being able to do my banking and monitoring from my home but that seems to be a thing of the past.

Welcome any solutions you folks may have mastered to solve this problem. I'm not into fancy phones (yet) as I use a flip phone and it works (used to work) for me.....nothing like planned obsolescence. Sign of the times.
I've put ubuntu on a couple of old Macs and it works fine, very similar to mac os, and it will be able to receive updates. Lots of videos online to walk you through it.
On the software thing, I spent my life working electrical and mechanical design, production, and user problems for upscale airborne applications. In Jan. 2005 I retired after 45 years of doing that because I was tired of working...having to go to work, and technology was running faster than I was. Not sorry one bit.

I had purchased a couple of books on Apple computers over the years as I would buy a different Apple. and all their internal gadgets and things people can do with them, and this morning i pulled them out to address this problem......going to upgrade my software on a 2009 system. Seems I would have to upgrade to an interim issue and then enter a later issue......lots of room for an old man to screw up the whole shebang.

Bottom line......I put the books back in the dizzy reading this and that that can be done with the machine, but nothing that related to what I wanted to do.....instructions identified things that didn't exist...... and decided if I needed to see what my account balance was I'd drive over to the bank and find out. Figured I can use that machine now for this and that and if I messed up something trying to upgrade I may loose complete use of the machine and that wasn't the right answer. At least my debit card still worked so I could pay my light bill on the internet.
The interim upgrades will probably work ok, as long as you do them in order and don't skip any. Try to use media upgrades instead of live updates, if at all possible. That might mean downloading the upgrade and burning it to a CD/DVD, and then using that to upgrade. I know little about the Mac OS. I do know that Linux will probably work on your Mac, if you can find one written for the Mac.

If nothing else, download a fairly recent copy of the OS, install it, and upgrade from there. Old is only a physical manifestation of time; if the brain is working good, you are well on your way to the upgrade. Good luck in this endeavor. zuhnc
The interim upgrades will probably work ok, as long as you do them in order and don't skip any. Try to use media upgrades instead of live updates, if at all possible. That might mean downloading the upgrade and burning it to a CD/DVD, and then using that to upgrade. I know little about the Mac OS. I do know that Linux will probably work on your Mac, if you can find one written for the Mac.

If nothing else, download a fairly recent copy of the OS, install it, and upgrade from there. Old is only a physical manifestation of time; if the brain is working good, you are well on your way to the upgrade. Good luck in this endeavor. zuhnc
To your point, I've downloaded operating systems and burned them to a cd or dvd only to have problems making it executable. Now when I need one, I buy it burned and ready to use from ebay or some other source.
Well I pulled up my internet banking account and found some really crazy things on site...had never seen such before. I made an appointment with a bank employee and she said that my software was too old to interface with their bank's software/iternet convenience. I have a couple of imacs and they are dated. I tried to get upgrades on both of them and apple said forget it. I really enjoy the convenience of being able to do my banking and monitoring from my home but that seems to be a thing of the past.

Welcome any solutions you folks may have mastered to solve this problem. I'm not into fancy phones (yet) as I use a flip phone and it works (used to work) for me.....nothing like planned obsolescence. Sign of the times.
The solution is simple. Just buy a machine made in thhis century. Unlike tractrors (apparently) computers "know" when trhey are no longer of any use.
Well I pulled up my internet banking account and found some really crazy things on site...had never seen such before. I made an appointment with a bank employee and she said that my software was too old to interface with their bank's software/iternet convenience. I have a couple of imacs and they are dated. I tried to get upgrades on both of them and apple said forget it. I really enjoy the convenience of being able to do my banking and monitoring from my home but that seems to be a thing of the past.

Welcome any solutions you folks may have mastered to solve this problem. I'm not into fancy phones (yet) as I use a flip phone and it works (used to work) for me.....nothing like planned obsolescence. Sign of the times.
I'm assuming you are using a browser to connect to the banks web site. Just install the latest chrome browser and try that; I'd be surprised if the web site you're connecting to cares anything other than the browser version you are using.

Not a fan of Apple, not sure if they prevent you from installing stuff like browsers if they don't like your ios version, but give it a try.
If you have a decent cellphone just do the same as you did on your computer via the banks app.

My credit union has internet banking too, but they have built their app to work great on a cellphone.
But it is clumsey to use via their website.
Sorry, I presumed that Texasmark1 was you as well.
It is me too. I forgot my password years ago and after some postings, I contacted the adm. and he shifted all that verbiage over to my regular log on name. Been using the regular ever since.

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