Congratulations due to this Case couple


Well-known Member
Josh and Kristy were married Wednesday
morning where they met five years ago at
the American Thresherman Association show
in Pinckneyville, IL. It was a heart felt
ceremony at the sawmill where they first
'saw' each other. Case is the featured
tractor this year so it was extra special
for Josh and Kristy Hamilton.
Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations. May you be blessed with many good years together and many Case tractors. RB
Thank you for posting this for us. We have been so busy working the sawmill we haven't had time to go through all the pics that were sent to us. I will post some when I get a chance to. And thanks to you and D Pittman for coming
We currently have 11 Case tractors, and she even agrees that's not enough! As money permits next on our want list is an RC, CC, and a Racine 400. Wish list that probably won't happen would be another crossmotor!

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