Current restored value of a Ford 861

Been lurking for a while, and I understand value is typically a personal perception but I'm seeking guidance and opinions to ensure I don't make a mistake.

I see lots of tractors coming on the market with a wide range of prices and some seem a but high. What should I expect to pay for a "restored" 861 without a loader (newer paint, newer tires, runs and everything works) tractor. Not looking for a parade tractor, just some good mechanically here in the Midwest, thanks.
Been lurking for a while, and I understand value is typically a personal perception but I'm seeking guidance and opinions to ensure I don't make a mistake.

I see lots of tractors coming on the market with a wide range of prices and some seem a but high. What should I expect to pay for a "restored" 861 without a loader (newer paint, newer tires, runs and everything works) tractor. Not looking for a parade tractor, just some good mechanically here in the Midwest, thanks.

Disregard, I re-posted in the Ford group. Where it belonged in the first place.......

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