D-19 float height


I've been working on my d-19 trying to get it running well and have run into a pile it f problems. I e of the problems I'm having that should be the easiest is with the carb. I took the carb off to clean it the other day and things went off the rails. First thing was the float Axle wasn't there. At least that solves the why of the needle not shutting off. Next I found a bent main needle, and an ugly idle needle. After that I seen a tiny bit of paint in the very top of the carb, there is a pin hole in the top that leaked into the carb. Well I got most of that taken care of minus plugging the pin hole. Now I want to set the float and can't find a setting in the manuals I have for it. Does anyone have the float level setting for a marvel schebler carb for a d-19? Thanks
So there isn't a proper height adjustment
from the housing to the float? It's just make
it level across the length of the float? I
find it hard to believe there isn't a set gap
between the two of them.
(quoted from post at 19:22:13 07/27/23) So there isn't a proper height adjustment
from the housing to the float? It's just make
it level across the length of the float? I
find it hard to believe there isn't a set gap
between the two of them.

You came here looking for help and you got a reply from one of the best AC guys on the planet and you want to quibble about it?

The advice he gave you is spot-on for 95+% of carbs in existence.

While there's certainly nothing wrong with following an exact factory specification (if available) most will wind up with the float parallel to the top casting of the carb as the good Doctor told you.

Even if the ''spec'' is a sixteenth above or below level you will never observe a difference in the real world.

In most cases the exact float height isn't NEARLY as critical as some would lead you to believe.

This post was edited by wore out on 07/27/2023 at 10:07 pm.
its like this... float level means float being level. geez everyone in the garages do it that way and i have been doing it the same way also. but yes there is a spec, but in the end its a measurement and you still end up with the float level.

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