DC drying corn

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Got started on corn this evening. Had a bunch of other things to do today so didn't get to the corn til nearly 6. The 1160 worked good today. Sure get nice corn out if that machine. Decided to run the DC on the dryer for at least a load for old times sake. She took right to the job too.



Had to make some adjustments when I saw this, opened the fuel jet a bit and adjusted the timing and got rid of the red hot muffler.


Had the dryer cooking pretty good too.


The corn is running pretty good for my ground and what I put into it, I'm thinking close to 150 on yield and 20-22% moisture. I don't have a tester, but I'll take a sample in on Tuesday and get a reading. I needed some corn for feed, but I'm not in a hurry to get done yet. I may wait a week or so to do more. Going to look at an 1830 skid loader today, so may have another new arrival later.
Jon, Great pictures, I like to see the CASE equipment working. Now you need a Case elevator to fill your equipment needs. We have not started to harvest yet, maybe this weekend if the weather holds. Jerry from Ohio
I do have a case elevator, but it needs work. I have used it and it does work, just leaks s lot.
There is not a combine in the world that will do a better job cleaning than a CASE Combine. I forgot what you have for a corn head?
dryed alot of corn with similar dryer used a 970 case set on 1000 pto with a 540 cheater shaft ran a long time on a tank of fuel at 1000 engine rpms enjoy the photos keep them cases working
It does ok, do have a bit of trouble in the thicker corn. But it's capacity it very close to the combine and I've learned that when things start not feeding I'm going to be having trouble at the clean grain elevator anyway, so that's my tell to back off a bit. Otherwise it's in exceptional shape and works great. Yes it was ahead of its time with the in cab adjustment for stripper plates and such. I really like it.
When I was running the 1665 I went from #40 chain on the clean grain elevator & auger to #50 and changed sprockets to speed it up. Huge difference.

Not related to this post, but there is a pull type CASE haybine for sale along HWY 95 west of 35 and east of Larson's. Thought of you when I passed it. Looked very clean from the road.
Do you have enough HP on that elevator :)

Wondering why you didn't use the 1030 for pulling out the stuck truck in your other post?
That was stuck pretty bad!
Used the 830 because it's com and I think in that situation the com would pull as much or more than the 1030. Would be nice to have a Vac for the elevator wouldn't it. I think I'll put the 830 on the dryer now so the dc will have elevator duty.
Heard about that but haven't had time to go look yet. Hope it's still there this weekend and I'll go by.
Neighbor here in northern MN has a VAC WF with loader that ran when it was parked outside a few years ago. Will probably get scrapped along with some other colored tractors next year. I'll keep you in mind and let you know if he get's rid of stuff.
Jon, unless the serial tag has something on it as far as I know they just used the serial # to tell year that indeed is the last design they had that is a 1969 model head, i added the charts showing the available gearing


Gleaner?? Silver Seeder!! Don't have to re-seed for next year w/ a Gleaner. Piece of tin & a pop rivet gun and you can fix anything on it!!
Those are awesome pictures Jon, this is the first I've seen shelled corn handled with a "hay/ear corn" elevator though :)

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